  • Fir Tree Junior School

'Learning and Growing Together'

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Ash Year 4

Welcome to Ash Class Year 4 2023/24

The class teacher is Miss Hutchings and our teaching assistants are Miss Walton and Miss Hall. This page will be updated regularly to update you on what Ash class having been doing at school. 


Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Paper copies are available in the classroom which children are encouraged to collect themselves if needed.


Project homework (Vikings) is due Friday 12th July.


PE days for term 6 will be on Monday (rounders) and Tuesday (athletics).


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Term 5 - Our projects for this term are Creepy Crawlies and Anglo-Saxons 

Trip to the Earth Trust

Year 4 had a brilliant time during their school trip, learning about everything Anglo-Saxon's. We began the day running up Wittenham Clumps where we saw incredible views and compared what the landscape would have been during the Anglo-Saxons with today. We listened to a gripping story about Ethelred the Unready, a story of love, mystery and revenge. After, we ran back down the hill like Vikings running to battle. In the afternoon, we had 4 different activities to experience daily life during the Anglo-Saxon period. First, we learnt how to make flour and everyone had ago at turning a Quern Stone. Then, we prepared dough by rolling out and flatening it before cooking on the fire. Everyone had a choice of honey or jam as a topping and it was delicious. Next, we had ago at fire lighting using modern resources and cotton wool. We learnt that the Anglo-Saxon's would have foraged for thistle, Arthur's Cake and horse hoof funghi to start their fires. Finally, we learnt how the Anglo-Saxon's made their clothes and each tried carding and spinning. 




Inspired by our Anglo-Saxon project, everyone designed a brooch or sword similar to what they would have worn. The details were very intricate and they used the finest jewels. 


In our art lessons, we have been inspired by our Creepy Crawlies project and have worked hard to draw observational drawings of invertebrates. 

Tag Rugby Tournament

History & Computing 

As part of our project we were learning about how the Anglo-Saxons became united and each group needed to create a video highlighting what they had learnt. 

Invertebrate Hunt 

Beat Boxing and Break Dancing Workshop

Term 4 - our projects are Fantastic Mr Fox & Sound


Production - Fantastic Mr Fox

We are incredibly proud of the whole of year 4 for their brilliant hardwork and dedication in making our production a success. Well done to everyone involved!  There are even more photos on Maple class page, feel free to have a browse at your convenience.

Science - Sound

In our science lessons this term, we have been learning about sound. We have explored that the bigger the vibration, the louder the sound and the smaller the vibration, the quieter the sound. Throughout the term we have explored sound vibrations, how we hear sound, levels of pitch and how sound travels. To finish our learning, we made string telephones and learnt that the other person’s voice is louder through the string than it is through the air over the same distance.

World Book Day

On World Book Day, Gary Northfield, the author and illustrator of Julius Zebra visited Fir Tree. During his visit, he did an assembly for the whole school which involved a live draw along of the character Leif from his book 'Leif the Unlucky Viking'. The drawing was of Leif who is falling over as he is a very clumsy character, if you look closely you can see all his belogings flying out of his bag. Below are the drawings produced: 

PE - Cricket

During this lesson, children took it in turns to try and score a point by successfully hitting the ball through 2 cones. The other children had to work hard to stop the ball going through the cones using teamwork to field. 

PE - Basketball

Mr Mule started the lesson demonstated different dribbles and the class had to identify if it was a good or bad dribble by showing thumbs up or down. They then discussed why it was good/bad. Next they played a team game dribbling from one side of the court to the other. 

Maths - non-unit fractions

In our maths lessons, we have been learning how to identify non-unit fractions in different images. Throughout the lesson, we have had a series of questions and images with parts highlighted. To help us further progress, we began writing questions on our whiteboard for another person to answer. 


"There are 10 stars, 7 are shaded so 7 tenths of the stars are shaded."

Music - lesson 2

In our second lesson of Brass, we learnt the definition of pulse and rhythm. 


"Pulse of the heartbeat of the music."

"Rhythm is long and short sounds combined."


We then looked at sheet music and explored articulation whilst playing. In terms of the sheet music, we learnt what a treble clef, a stave and a double bar line are. 


"A stave is the 5 lines which the notes are on."

"A double bar line shows when the song has finished."

"The treble clef is a symbol to show the number of notes in a song."


Finally, we learnt how to play a middle C and read sheet music focusing on a minim of 2 beats and a crotchet of 1 beat. We used this knowledge to play a short rhythm on the cornets. 

Production - Props

Whilst some children rehearse with their teacher in the hall for the production, the rest of the class has begun working with the TA's to start making the props. We are using baloons and papermache to make the different food for a feast.

Science - Sound

In our first lesson, we began learning about vibrations and carried out two experiments. The first we rice on a drum and gradually increased the volume to cause the rice to move. We discovered that the bigger the sound, the bigger the vibration and the further the rice would move. The second experiment involved an area of water and a tuning fork. We used the metal part of the table to hit the tuning fork to create a vibration, then quickly put the end of the tuning fork into the water to visually see the vibration. The bigger the vibration, the further the water would either spalsh in the air or a ripple would be carried across the water. 

Music - Brass

in our first lesson, we learnt how to make a sound by practising first with the mouth piece, then with our cornet. We will be having a weekly lesson for the next 3 terms and a practise session once a week following the lesson.

”The key is having a vibration and air.”

”We have to buzz our lips to create a vibration.”

”Pushing air through the buzz into the cornet creates a sound.”


Term 3 - our projects are A Midsummer Night's Dream and Electricity 

Trip to Wallingford School

Some of the year 13 students were learning to become active leaders and taught year 4 2 sports activities. The first was dodgeball, the second was football rounders which was engaging and fun. We wish the year 13’s lots of luck in their course. 

Design Technology - Puppets

To end our learning of ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’ each child in the class made their own finger puppet of a character from the story. We learnt how to carry out a running stitch to help sew our felt finger puppets. 

Science - Electricity

In this lesson, we were testing whether different materials were conductors or insulators. 


"If the lightbulb turns on, it is a conductor."

"The lightbulb didn't work so this is an insulator."

"Most conductors are a type metal."

Forest School

During this session, the class worked in small groups to create freeze frames from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Then, they toasted pancakes and built dens. To end the session some children made wooden necklaces. 

Science - Electricity 

We have been learning how to successfully create a circuit with a working bulb. Each group was given 2 wires, a battery and a bulb. They worked together to correctly connect the circuit so there is a constant flow of electricity, causing the bulb to turn on. 


This term, we have been focusing on using multiplication and division techniques through use of manipulatives. It is important to learn to show your workings in a range of ways. We use dienes to help with places value of digits in a number. 

PE - Badminton

Ash class have been enjoying their badminton lessons, with a focus on underarm and over arm shots. We began using hoops as targets as we learn the correct movements for a match. 

Term two - our projects are Take One Piece, Digusting Digestion and Wallingford Castle

Science – Food Chains

In Science, we have been learning about food chains and created freeze frames of different animals within a chain. During this lesson, we learnt what a producer and consumer is, as well as the difference between prey and predator. We recapped key terminology including herbivore, omnivore and carnivore.

“A producer is something that makes its own food.”

“A predator are animals who kill their prey.”

Dance workshop 

We were very lucky to have an actor called Cam Sharp who was part of the West End Musical We Will Rock You visit our school to teach everyone a dance for 'Stick it to the Man'. As a year group, Cam taught the performance in small steps which we gradually pulled together to make one whole dance. It was a thoroughly enjoyable meeting which was a fantastic opportunity. 

Trip to Wallingford Museum

The last activity was looking at replica objects. First, we looked at arrows heads which were light, had a sharp tip, smooth on the surface with a small amount of rust. Next, we held and wore Norman and Saxon helmets which had chainmail to protect the neck, a double layer to protection, and were plated with metal. After that, we looked at quills for writing and the use of ink. Finally, we explored arrows which were sharp and head feathers on the back to help with staying aerodynamic. 

Trip to Wallingford Museum 

The second activity was looking at the model of Wallingford castle. First, we had to look for different things around the room and sort them into categories. For cooking, there was pans, jugs, a big pot and a corner grinder. For weapons, there was a long sword, spear head, dagger, arrow head and a helmet. For storage there was a chest for belongings called 'The Great Chest', a packlock and key, and a storage pot.

Then, we explored the model itself and identified the important features of a motte and bailey castle, including the draw bridge, motte, moat, keep, ditch running into the moat, the great tower, curtain wall, courtyard buildings, crenellations (wall battlements, the different bailey's and the turrets.



Trip to Wallingford Museum

We visited Wallingford Museum to learn about the history of the castle. During our visit, we had three activities to complete about the castle.

First, we went upstairs to explore artefacts from the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Normans. In small groups, we had questions to answers and had to find the correct artefacts to match the answer. In the Roman section, there was things that used to be of high value, for example coins and a range of pots, some broken and some repaired.


"Wood from spears would rot and the metal handle would rust."

"I saw Norman arrow heads, daggers, a helmet and a sword."

"If you told lies to the king during the Norman period, you would get put in prison."

Trip Preparation

Before visiting Wallingford Museum, we had 2 visitors from the museum come to Fir Tree to teach activities to the class involving the main features of a Motte and Bailey castle, as well as some history. 


First, we answered the questions "what is an archeologist?". Then, we looked at a picture of the model of the castle and explored the questions "what happened to the castle?" We discussed what evidence was and how we have used it to learn about the history of Wallingford Castle. Then, we looked at an ariel view of the castle. On the image, everyone first pointed to the River Thames, then to Wallingford Bridge to familiarise themselves with the enviroment. After that, they pointed to the tower on the hill to learn about the Mottee and Bailey. We learnt that William the Conqueror beat the Saxons in the Battle of Hastings and that he had to cross the River Thames to get to London. He discovered crossing in Wallingford was similar to crossing a Ford as it was shallow. The Arc Bishop of Canterbuly signed a treaty for surrender and Norman knights begam watching over the Saxons. Finally, we learnt about the key features in a motte and bailey castle including the 'Curtain Wall, inner, middle and outer bailey. As well as this, we learnt about the Anglo-Saxon defences and where they outlined Wallingford. We used pipe cleaners to show this on an ariel map. 


"Did you know Wallingford castle was once as big as Windsor castle?"

"A motte is a mound and a bailey is the couryard."

"The keep was on top of the mound and was made of stone. The moat was water around the mottee and the couryard has important buildings."

"William the Conqueror arrived in 1066 and made sure he ruled well by building lots of castles."




As part of our Science topic, we carried out an experiment to show the how food is digested in our bodies. First, we put crackers and banana in a ziplock bag before breaking/mushing them into pieces. Then, we added orange juice to act as the acid in the stomach. After that, we added a small amount of water for the slavia. Finally, we used our hands to push the mushy mixture through a pair of tights, before the mix landed in a tray resembling the stool. Everyone was given the opportunity to push the mixture through the tights and we discussed the function of each part of the digestive system.

Forest School

In this session, Ash class were successfully navigating their forest school time in a safe and respectful manner. Everyone got to have ago at apple bobbing, then get to toast and eat it. 

PE - Tag Rugby

In this lesson, we warmed up with a game called 'Hula Hula'. Everyone had a 2 tags and the aim was to tag as many people as possible, attaching their tags onto your own tag belt. Then, we played 'Chicken, Pair or Hero' where children had to run as a class, with a partner of their choosing or on their own to escape the 'seaweed' who were based in the middle of the pitch. The aim was to run to the other side without being tagged. 

Term 1 - our projects are Take One Picture and The River Journey

PE - netball

In this lesson, we were learning how to move quickly on feet and get into a space so our team can pass the ball without interception. First, we worked in teams of 7 to be the first team to pass the ball from one end of the line to the other. Everyone had to use quick feet to move in and out of the line 3 times each way before catching the ball. Then, we worked in 4's to practising moving to a free cone and trying to beat a defending player. Finally, we played 3v3 games using half a court. We had the positions; goal attack, goal shooter and centre vs goal defence, goal keeper and centre. 

PSHCE - teamwork 

As part of our lesson where we focused on owning our learning charter, we discussed the best way to be successful when working in a team. Outside, we played a game in groups of 3 or 4 where an adult would shout out a letter, then each group had to try to make that letter by arranging the group on the floor or standing. 


In music lessons, we have been learning how to sing 'Lean on Me' by Bill Withers. In our second lesson, we played a verse of the song on glockenspiels and learnt how to play the notes C, F and G. 


In this lesson, we learnt how to pivot on one foot when we catch the ball in netball. This is important because you can turn without moving with the ball, therefore passing to a team member can be successful. We started the lesson playing 'Catch the tail' where one person is trying to catch the end of a 'caterpiller' of people moving in a connected chain. Then, we worked in groups of 4 using a ball and hoop - the first person had to place the ball in the hoop, the next person had to pick up the ball and pivot to place it in the next hoop, the third person had to pick up the ball and pivot to throw the ball using a bounce or chest pass to the final person. After that, we practised our pivot in pairs, throwing the ball to our partner. Finally, using half a netball court, we played 3 v 3 games. 


Inspired by Claude Monet water lilies paintings, we recreated our own version of 'Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies' using water colours. 

Forest School

In this session everyone has lots of fun building dens, digging in the mud pit and finding worms, playing in the mud kitchen making pies and mixing mud. We ended the session with fire lighting using flint and steel tools. 

PE - Shooting

In this lesson, we had a carousel of 4 shooting activities. We focused on position of the ball, accuracy and footwork when shooting.

The activities included:

  • Shooting into a net.
  • Shooting through a hoop. 
  • Shooting through a hoop and ensuring it lands on a hoop on the floor.
  • Shooting at a target on a wall or equipment.



In this lesson, we focused on learning how solid's change state to become a liquid and vice versa. We carried out an experiment to make 'ice cream' - we put ice and salt in one resealable bag, then chocolate flavoured milk in another and put the milk bag inside the ice bag. Then we used the temperature in our hands and the salt to help melt the ice, making sure there was contact with the ice and milk through the bags. Over a short time, the milk slowly began to solidify into an ice cream consistency. At the end, everyone got to try their ice cream concotions. 


"We made ice cream!"

"Mmm that was delicious."


Inspired by our Take One Picture – ‘The Burning of Houses of Parliament’ by J.M.W Turner. First, we researched the artists to find out key information about his life, education and work as an artist. Everyone created a well-informed research page highlighting what they had discovered. Next, we use oil pastels to practise blending colours we could see in the original painting by Turner. Finally, we recreated our own version of the painting using oil pastels focusing on the skill of using our fingers to blend colours.

English - Freezeframes

We have been learning about personification in English. Each group created their own freezeframe of an object and gave it a human feature, to create personification. The next lesson, each child stuck the picture of their freeze frame into their book and wrote a sentence describing what was happening in the picture. 

PE - netball 

in our first lesson, we learnt how to protect the ball by drawing it towards our chest. We started the lesson playing ‘head, shoulders, knees, netball’ and on ‘netball’ the children had to be the first to pick up the hall and draw it towards their chest. Next, we worked in 3’s practising a toss-up that would happen at the beginning of a game. Finally, we had 2 children throwing a ball, one at a time, to the 3rd child who had to draw the ball close to their chest after catching.

Design Technology 

we worked in small groups of 3-5 to build a bridge out of newspaper and masking tape. The challenge was the bridge needed to be strong enough to hold a small stapler. Each time were given 8 double page pieces of newspaper and 6 20cm length pieces of masking tape. See pictures below of the bridges and some designs we made on whiteboards.


using our take one picture, we identified the colours the artists used and tried to replicate these using oil pastels. Keep an eye out for our next lesson, as we recreate the painting with oil pastels.

English - research 

to help us learn more about the artist, we each created a research page highlight key information about JMW Turner’s life. 


Following our lesson exploring adjectives and nouns, we then look at using expanded noun phrases. We remember this feature with DAN - determiner, adjective, noun. 


As part of our take one picture, we explored where London was located on a map as that is where The Houses of Parliament is. Everyone sketched a map of England using atlas, identifying London as the capital. 

Take one picture - English

We explored the nouns in our picture and used adjectives to describe the nouns. Then, we use thesaurus’ to find synonyms to improve our adjectives further.  

