Willow's teachers are Miss Raheem and Mrs Fairbairn.
Mrs Fairbairn will teach Willow Class every Monday.
Willow's wonderful teaching assistants are Ms Coverdale and
Mrs Johansen
PE days this term will be on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please wear your PE kit on these days.
This page will be updated termly with information that may be of interest to you regarding projects, timetables, the curriculum, videos, pictures and more. It will be useful to keep checking this page for any helpful documents that will keep you informed about this year. You will also find some useful resources that can be used to help your child with their learning. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch using the contact box below.
Amazing Bodies Project Homework! Willow Class have done a fantastic job!
Amazing Bodies Project - Odd One Out activity promoting observation and discussion skills!
Here are some of our reflections:
"I think the odd one out is the snake because it has the longest neck." Minnie
"I think the first one is the odd one out because it is the only one that can fly." Maisie
"The odd one out is the mammoth because it has more bones and joints than the other ones." Ellie
"I think the odd one out is the middle one because it does not walk and does not have leg bones." Emilia
"I think the odd one out is the elephant because it has tusks and it is usually poached." Eliott
"I think the odd one out is the left because it is the only one that can fly." George
"I think the odd one out is the mammoth because it's the biggest." Cora
" The odd one out is the elephant because it is the only mammal." Yoma
Fun in the Forest!
"Me, William, Hudson really enjoyed making a den!" James
"We got to play a fun game!" Sienna
"I thought the whole thing was s'morvellous!" Eliott
"I really loved making a den." Noah
"I liked having s'mores." George
"Me and my friends made a really good den with no walls!" Rory Bailey
"I liked that we got to explore the forest and play games." Leila
Break dancing and beat boxing!
"Really, really, great fun!" Sienna
"It was such good fun when I did beatboxing and I loved breakdancing too!" Hudson
"I liked it when we did the dance routines!" Isabel
"I liked it when they showed us how to beat box and breakdance!" Leila
"I loved it - it was a WOW lesson!" Emilia
"I enjoyed it when I went up to do beatboxing!" Yoma
Cricket fun!
World Book Day! A huge thank you to the incredibly talented illustrator and author Gary Northfield for visiting our school!
Here are some of their wonderful reflections:
"I've loved EVERYTHING!" Eliott
"I enjoyed the assembly and drawing the angry hedgehog. It was fun!" Marley
"I've never met an author before!" Isabelle
"I enjoyed it when he showed us how to draw a cartoon. He was fun when he was being silly!" Leila
"I really liked the assembly and how he taught us how to draw a character." Alex
"I've loved everything about today, especially getting to draw a character attacking Julius!" George
"I liked the assembly and learning about how he became a writer." Mia
"I enjoyed the assembly and learning how to draw cartoons." James
World Book Day continued...
Willow class love a quiz!
Having a go at the book emoji quiz.
Sharing our favourite books with one another.
Buddy reading with children from Cedar Class!
We had lots of fun sharing our books
and reading to each other.
Here are some of their thoughts about they enjoy about reading:
"When you read, you are in a completely different world. It transports you to different parts of the world, places you have never been to." Yoma
"I like turning the page to find out what will happen next." Sienna
"Reading takes you to different places, like on the train in Harry Potter." George
"It's really exciting when you read something and can picture it in your mind" James
"I like reading because you don't know what will on happen on the next page." Leila
"I love reading! When a book is so good I want to keep reading and don't want to put it down." Rory Bailey
"I get taken to a different world and don't want to leave. I love reading books on my comfy rug." Emily
"I love books. I get sucked into it and don't want to stop reading!" Eliott
Writing - rewriting the opening to The Iron Man
Computing - Learning to code with Angry Birds!
Here are some of their learning reflections:
"It starts off easy then it gets harder. I like the challenge! It's really fun and I don't want it to end!!" Emily
"I'm totally enjoying doing this." Yoma
"It's complicated but I am always up for a challenge!" Eliott
"I think it's really good fun!" Hudson
"It's really tricky, I was stuck on a challenge for ages. I had to do a lot of debugging!" Ellie
"It's really fun once you get the hang of it!" Maisie
Writing - Exploring different sentence types and the effect on the reader
Short sentences - 3 words or less, can include speech, helpful after long sentences.
'The more, the more' sentences gives an insight into how the character feels.
Using similes to create a vivid description for the reader. Key words as a... or like a.
Many questions hook the reader and create intrigue.
Editing an improving our sentences.
Personification -non human objects, ideas, animals are given human characteristics.
Science retrieval practice! How much can they remember from our previous science topics!
What is a force? We've learnt that a force is a push or a pull. We came up with actions for forces in everyday life. Can you guess the action?
Showcasing all our wonderful Romans project work this term! Thank you to Cedar and Ash class for visiting us! We had a great afternoon! Willow Class have work incredibly hard and we are so proud of all their achievements!
Here are some of their wonderful reflections about their Romans project:
"My favourite bit was designing and making the Roman chariots." Rory Bailey
"I liked writing the army letter." Hudson
"I loved visiting the museum." Sienna
"I enjoyed learning about Roman coins and getting to make my own coin out of clay." Imogen
"Everything we've done is my favourite." Eliott
"I've loved learning about Roman numerals." Minnie
"I've really enjoyed doing the project homework. I've learnt so much!" William
"I liked everything about this project." Noah
"Writing the Kenning about Roman soldiers was my favourite part." George
"My favourite part of the project was learning about Romulus and Remus and Boudicca. " Ellie
"I enjoyed the visit from expert Clare and writing the letter to join the Roman army. " Marley
I've loved everything about the project!" James
Romans day fun!
Willow Class had a fantastic time at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford!
Making our own Roman coins using clay!
Willow Class love their forest sessions!
Here are some of their reflections on the day:
"I've learnt about how quickly a forest fire can spread." Harry
"I've learnt how to light a fire using flint and steel."
"I had to persevere to light the fire, it was hard." Isaac
"We worked as a team trying to light the cotton wool." Emilia
"I learnt how to toast over a fire." Leo
Designing and making Roman Chariots!
Encountering problems throughout, but continuing to persevere!
Working together to solve problems.
The whole process involved so many different skills.
Lots of patience required!
Exploring Roman artefacts!
Here are some of our reflections:
"It could be a Roman bracelet" Rory Bailey
"I think it's a collar for a little dog." Cora
"It could be an earing that rich people used to wear." Maisie
"I think it has fallen off a statue because the object is black and I've seen black statues before." Ellie
"It might be a type of pottery as I can see marks on it." Eliott
"I think it's made from iron." Emily
"The pattern could be from the flooring of a building in Roman times." Leila
Letters to Uganda!
We have written letters to pupils at a school in Uganda who Fir Tree are going to be linked with. We told them a bit about ourselves and asked them some questions about themselves. It will be brilliant when we get replies back!
English - We've been working on rewriting the opening to the story of Romulus and Remus
We can improve our sentences using the 5Ws and how to add more detail.
Also, we can use 2A (adjectives) sentences.
Using ninja vocabulary also helps make our writing exciting!
We are writing in paragraphs to make our writing clearer.
Every word counts so we have to think carefully before we write!
Science - Learning how shadows are formed!
We started by drawing around our feet so we could return later to the same place.
We noticed at around 10am our shadow was extremely long!
A couple of hours later the shadows had moved and were not as tall.
It was much higher and further towards the east.
We observed the sun had changed position in the sky.
We're opaque, we block most of the light from getting through, so our shadow is dark.
PE - Gymnastics with Mr Mule
Willow class have been learning different positions and balances in gymnastics.
"I learnt an egg roll." Connie
"It was hard trying some of these positions but I persevered." Eliott
"I've learnt how to do a straddle." Alex
"It was fun showing the others how to do the front support." Maisie
"I've been learning how to do a pike balance." Leo
"I've learnt how to do a back support safely." Evie
Take One Piece - In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
Listening and reflecting on the piece of music. What is the title of the music?
How does it make you feel?
What instruments can they hear?
What is the story behind the music?
Warm up - guess who is mountain king!
Telling the story of Peer Gynt through drama
Developing good facial expressions
Maintaining professionalism throughout.
Using our bodies when stepping into a characters shoes.
Listening carefully to the music as we paint.
Using paints to create an expressive piece of art.
Focus and concentration is key.
Thinking about what colours can be used to create low and high sounds.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes in time to the music - it proved quite the challenge!
Learning how to play to a pulse
Working in groups to invent a tune to the sound of footsteps.
Festive Forest Session!
Willow class enjoyed listening to Liz tell the story of 'The Christmas Pine' by Julia Donaldson, and hearing about the tradition of the Norwegian Spruce in London. They loved singing 'The 12 Days of Christmas' round the camp fire.
Here are some of their reflections:
"It was fun singing round the fire." Leila
"I enjoyed the hot squash, people in cold countries drink it." Winston
"The Christmas tree in London comes from Norway." Eliott
"I learnt that the tradition started in 1946 as a thank you for helping in the Second World War." Cora
"We got to have marshmallows!" Connie
"It was the best morning ever!" Rory Backhouse
Bouncing Santas!
Christmas dinner! Huge thanks to Siva, Sanusha and all the parent helpers!
Tag Ruby with Mr Mule
This term in PE, Willow class having been developing tag rugby skills. Here are some of their learning reflections:
"I've learned how to hold the ball correctly." Cora
"I now know how to dodge people." Alex
"It's been fun getting muddy!" George
"I've learnt a lot from others." Rory
"Tag rugby is hard, but I've persevered." Maisie
Design & Technology - Exploring and creating Christmas pop up cards. Willow class found the task a challenge, but they managed to overcome any obstacles. They had to think like a professional pop up card maker!
Year 3 Nativity rehearsal and preparation
Dance Workshop - We had a special visit from West End star, Cameron! We loved learning a dance routine to 'Stick It to the Man' from School of Rock!
In our science project this term, we have been learning about light.
As part of the project, we have been discussing what light is, and which objects around us are sources of light and which reflect light. We learned that light sources allow us to see objects in the dark. As well as this, we learned we can see the world around us because of reflected light. Some children were surprised to learn that the moon is not a light source, it reflects the light from the sun.
We developed our observation skills and deepened our thinking with this odd one out activity. We were shown three sources of light and asked to discuss which image is the odd one out.
We looked at the similarities and differences, what each image does and where they might be found. This led to a very interesting discussion. Here are some of Willow Class’ wonderful observations:
“The sun is a light in the sky, the other two are something you get down below.” Alex
“You can hold the candle you can’t hold the others.” Marley
“The lamp post is manmade and the other two is natural light.” Emily
“The candle is made out of wax but not the others.” Noah
“You can hold the candle but not the others.” Sienna
“You have to do something to get the candle and lamp lit but nothing with the sun.” George
“The candle is the only one that can be blown out.” Maisie
“I think the sun is the odd one out because you can’t touch it.” Dominic
“When you look at the sun your eyes burn you it doesn’t with the others.” Dexter
“The sun is different because you can’t touch it like the others. The sun lights everywhere, but the other two only light the things around it.” Leo
“The lamp post can go off automatically and is electric.” Eliott
“The sun is the biggest compared to the others.” Leila
“Only one has man made material. The candle is made out of wax, but wax is natural so it doesn’t count. The sun does not have any man-made material it is completely natural.” Yoma
Willow Class loved their forest session on Friday!
Here are some of their reflections:
"We made a big den." George
"We made chocolate cake using mud!" Imogen
"We watched Lizzy make a fire it was cool." Hudson
"They used a flint and stone to start a fire." Rory Bailey
"I've learnt that I have to kneel down when near the fire." Rory Backhouse
"It was fun learning how to make toast over the fire." Winston
"I was scared but I did it." Isabel
"We worked well as a team moving a log." Noah
In RE, we learnt about Diwali, The Festival of Light, and the children enjoyed creating their own Rangoli patterns.
In maths this term, we are are exploring multiplication
We began by exploring equal groups. We used maths equipment and images to help support our understanding. We learned that there is a link between addition and multiplication. Multiplication is repeated addition. For example, 3 x 5 = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 . We then moved on to using arrays. An array is a rectangular arrangement of counters in rows and columns. The number of counters in each row (or column) multiplied by the column (or row) gives the total number of counters. As well as this we have explored the principle of commutativity. It does not matter which way round the numbers are the answer is always the same. For example, 3 lots (or groups) of 5 is equal to 5 lots (or groups) of 3. Later this week we will be exploring the 3 times table.
Exploring reflective surfaces
In order to test the different materials, we made a reflection tester. We cut a hole in the centre of a piece of card and pushed our torch through so it fit snugly. We had to shine the torch at the material we were testing. In our investigation we used fabric (different types) bubble wrap, black paper, tin foil and our tables. If the object reflects light well we can see the reflected light shine through the white card. We noticed that the objects that reflected the most light were smooth, shiny surfaces. Dull and dark surfaces such as the dark paper and darker fabrics did not reflect light well.
PE - Learning how to hold the hockey stick correctly and control the ball.
We have learned how to hold the hockey stick correctly.
We learned how to keep the ball out in front and to the right of the body.
Keeping close control helps with passing.
Keeping our eyes up in the direction of travel.
PSHE - my family!
We have started a new unit in PSHE which is all about Celebrating Differences. We talked about how families are all different, but everyone's is important to them. The children enjoyed drawing pictures of their own families.
Our first forest session with Mel!
Willow Class loved their first experience of Fir Tree forest. At the beginning of the session, Lizzie, the forest leader, went through the steps to a successful forest session. They must follow these three golden rules:
Look after each other
Look after ourselves
Look after the trees and the environment
After a tour of the forest Willow Class were free to explore. They can’t wait for their next session! Here are some of their reflections:
“I think the mud kitchen is the most exciting thing for me!” Alex
“We are building a den.” Harry
“I love being with the trees and nature. Trees give us oxygen.” Natasha
“Forest school is so much fun!” Leo
“We are making a hide, it’s like a bird watching den.” James
“In our den we can spy.” George
“Mrs Coverdale come and taste my carrot stew.” Isaac
“It was fun making music!” Yoma
“We learnt how to stay safe in the forest.” Noah
“We explored the forest it was fun!” Minnie
“We built a hedgehog house!” Rory
Stone Age Cave Art
Do you know how to wash a woolly mammoth? Well Willow class can show you! They have been learning how to write a set of instructions in their writing lessons.
We read ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ by Michelle Robinson & Kate Hindley.
We explored the features of instructions
We sequenced the events to help remember each step.
We included time connectives at the start of each step and bossy verbs like rub and mix.
Art - Willow Class have enjoyed learning how to create silhouettes of Stonehenge (linked to our Stone Age project) on a sunset background.
In science we have been learning about the properties of rocks. Investigating the durability, density and permeability through different tests.
Permeable or impermeable? Does liquid pass through it? We used water syringes for the test
Using key scientific vocabulary to describe what is happening.
Using sand paper to test the durability. Could the rock be broken down?
Checking to see whether the rock is hard or soft.
Does it float or does it sink?
Extending our knowledge of rocks through reading different books on the subject.
It's Black History Month so we have been learning more about black history and celebrating the contributions black people have made to society. We have been focusing on Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks and Mary Seacole in our reading sessions.
Martin Luther King Jr. extract
Rosa Parks extract
Willow class really enjoyed this story.
Fantastic book - true stories of female figures of black history.
Author of the Month is Francesca Simon - best selling children's author of the Horrid Henry series!
This term in Science we are learning about Rocks and Fossils. We have been developing our reasoning skills through zooming in and out of an image. Willow Class were very surprised to find out it was an image of Stonehenge! We have been learning about Stonehenge in our guided reading sessions. This ties in nicely with our Stone Age project.
The first view starts very close.
Then, we step back slowly
Third view
Fourth view
Fifth view
Final view - Stonehenge!
Children were asked to consider each time we zoomed out the following questions:
What do they think the image is?
What does it remind them of and why?
What colours and shapes can they see?
How does it feel?
How would you describe the texture?
After every zoom out they are asked what the image is now and whether they have change their minds.
In reading this week, our focus has been on books that raise awareness of communication needs of deaf and hard of hearing people. International Week of Deaf People runs from the 19th -25th September.
Gardening with Mel
Here are some of their reflections:
"We worked as a team planting wildflowers for the King." Minnie
"The food from the garden goes into the kitchen and in our food." Cora
"We grow lots of fruit and vegetables." Alex
"We used different sized seeds for different flowers." Isaac
"I've learnt that we compost the grass for it to go back in the garden."
Writing exciting sentences! We have been learning different sentence structures to help make our writing more interesting!
Learning about coordinating conjunctions and correct use of the comma.
Learning about nouns and adjectives.
Brainstorming powerful adjectives to make our sentences more interesting.
Steps to success for a perfect sentence.
Reading - Author of the month Roald Dahl!
We celebrated Roald Dahl's birthday this week by exploring some of his wonderful work. Roald Dahl is famous for his children's books, but he is also famous for his poems. We started the week by exploring the poem, The Dentist and the Crocodile. Later on in the week, we looked at Fantastic Mr Fox and The BFG. We have been developing our retrieval skills through a quick quiz, seeing how much we can remember from what has been read.
PSHE Emotional wellbeing - Exploring the different zones of regulation
There are four zones that can be used to describe how your brain and body feel:
Blue Zone - Your body is running slow, you may feel tired, sick, sad or bored.
Green Zone - This is when you are "good to go." You may feel happy, calm, and focused.
Yellow Zone - This is when you start to lose control. You need to proceed with caution and slow down. You may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, silly, wiggly, excited, worried, anxious or surprised.
Red Zone - This is when you might feel out of control. It is for extreme emotions such as anger, aggression, terror and elation. It's important to stop to regulate your emotions when you are in this zone.