  • Fir Tree Junior School

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PE and Sports 2023-2024

South Oxfordshire champions

In the final tournament of the year for the girls, they faced the best teams in South Oxfordshire. Fir Tree played games against Wheatley, Sonning Common, Goring and Peppard, and managed to win all games except a very controversial draw with Sonning Common in which we managed to hit the post 3 times and were denied a (in my opinion ‘stonewall’) penalty. 

With that said, Fir Tree did more than enough to top the group of teams and win the tournament with goals from Abbie, Emily and Eva. What an end to an exceptional year girls!

Vale of White Horse League Champions

The Fir Tree Girls 5/6 team have completed their league season and finished in first place securing their title as winners of the Vale of the White Horse trophy. It was an amazing achievement and they finished the season unbeaten after some excellent performances. In their final game of the season, Bella J had an incredible game in goal saving a crucial penalty in the first half and many penalties in the shoot out at the end of the game. Every single player has been incredibly important throughout the season and everyone has played their role in helping this girls team become the most succcessful one I have seen in over 10 years at Fir Tree. Well done girls, you’ve been amazing.

Year 4 Partnership Tag Rugby Tournament

Last week, two Year 4 teams went to play at a rugby tournament at the Hithercroft in Wallingford. There were 13 teams and both teams played 7 matches. Both teams played fantastically well, using a combination of tagging and speed to earn themselves lots of tries. Out of the 13 teams, one team finished second overall and the other team finished first in the tournament. A massive well done to all children who took part!

Beat-boxing and breakdancing workshop

We used some of our premium funding recently on a beat-boxing and breakdancing workshop for the whole school. Our day started with an assembly, where we took part in a singing workshop to warm up our voices. Then we got to watch the incredibly talented Jack perform some incredible moves using his whole body. After this, each class learned how to use their mouths, tongues and breathing to become beat boxers and volunteers were recorded creating their own rhythms. After this, Jack led a breakdancing workshop and we learned a routine that involved spins, jumps and coordination! So many of our children were naturals. What with breakdancing now part of this year's Olympics...who knows if a future Fir Tree pupil might represent the country one day! 

Year 6 Partnership Tag Rugby Tournament

Before the Easter break, four year 6 teams attended the Wallingford Tag Rugby tournament at the Hithercroft. Our afternoon started with a coaching session by several coaches from Wallingford Rugby club. Our teams were split into two pools and each team played five matches in total. We were super impressed with all of our teams, and it's very clear from the number of children that wanted to attend just how much they have enjoyed learning the game of Tag Rugby this term. One of our teams went on to win the overall tournament after a victory against Cholsey. You'll see in the photo that they are proudly wearing our brand-new kit - don't they look smart!

On Wednesday 28th of February, our Year 6 Girls' Football Team headed to Tilsley Park in Abingdon to compete in the Oxfordshire County Finals. This is the second year in a row our team has managed to qualify for the finals and play against the best teams from across Oxfordshire. To begin, Fir Tree played the other 8 qualifying teams in a round-robin competition with the top 4 teams heading into a semi-final. 


With the exception of 1 draw, Fir Tree won every single one of their games scoring a whopping 17 goals and conceding only once as they easily made their way into the semi-final by topping the entire group. Sophie played in goal and made some truly outstanding saves with Daisy, Lucy and Emie playing their defensive roles expertly. Eva and Emily played in midfield and both worked incredibly hard, finishing the group with 2 goals each. Abbie played as striker and scored an enormous 13 goals during the group stages. 


The semi-final was much tighter with Fir Tree beating Caldecott 1-0 with an excellent goal from Abbie. This set up a final against Charbury who Fir Tree had already beaten 2-0 in the group stages. In the final, Fir Tree were incredibly unfortunate to concede early and after a few minutes, found themselves 3-0 down. Another goal from Abbie meant that the final score was 3-1 to Charlbury resulting in Fir Tree finishing as the second-best team in the entire county. The girls were of course incredibly disappointed to finish second but there is absolutely no hiding the fact that second best team in Oxfordshire is an incredible accolade. The good news is that the girls still have the league to compete in and could still finish as Vale of the White Horse Champions. 


Year 4 PE session at Wallingford School

Year 4 were recently invited to Wallingford School to participate in a PE session run by the Year 13 students, who have recently been trained as Active Leaders. The Year 4's got to trial many games that were invented by the Active Leaders and they all agreed that they were fun with a level of challenge. It was lovely to see some ex pupils and how confident they were in their delivery.

Year 3/4 Boys' Football Tournament Wallingford Partnership

On Tuesday 6th of February, Fir Tree sent two boys football teams to compete in the 3 / 4 partnership tournament. There were a whopping 11 teams there in total and so both Fir Tree teams were split into two groups. Fir Tree A managed to win all of their group games sending them into a semi-final against St John's. Fir Tree B unfortunately drew most of their games with a couple of losses too meaning they missed out on qualification for the semi-final by a few points. In the semi-final, Fir Tree played some excellent football scoring a couple of really well-worked team goals sending them into a final against Benson. The final was incredibly tight and absolutely Fir Tree's toughest game of the tournament. A goal from a kick-in meant Benson took the lead to which Fir Tree quickly replied with a goal from Joshi. Fir Tree then went 2-1 up when Matthew's shot was parried out to Elliot who slotted it into the side netting. Benson then pulled it back to 2-2 through a long-range effort which took the game into extra-time. After a few minutes of tense play, Fir Tree and Benson went to penalties. After 3 penalties each, all players had scored their penalties meaning sudden death. With Joshi in goal, Benson had their first sudden death penalty saved meaning it was down to Matthew to try and win it for Fir Tree. Matthew stepped up and slotted his penalty meaning Fir Tree were crowned champions of the 2024 Year 3 / 4 Partnership Trophy

Year 5/6 Football Tournament at Cranford House

On Wednesday 7th of February, Fir Tree Girls Football Team entered a tournament hosted by Cranford House. They were placed into a group with Whitchurch and Cranford Pink and both games finished 2-0 to Fir Tree, goals coming from Abbie and Sophie. In the semi-final, Fir Tree placed against Cranford Blue and it was quite a tight game but Abbie’s shot deflected off one of the Cranford player’s hands and a penalty was awarded. Sophie stepped up and slotted the penalty into the left-hand side meaning Fir Tree took a 1-0 lead. There were a few moments where Bella had to make some saves but in the end, Fir Tree went into the final and played against Crowmarsh. The final was slightly more comfortable for Fir Tree as a hattrick from Abbie ensured that Fir Tree took home the first-place medals and were crowned champions of the U11’s Cranford Tournament. Well played girls, onto the county finals!

Vale of the White Horse Football Boys League

On Wednesday 30th January, Year 6 entered the Sportshall Athletics tournament at Wallingford School. There were 18 members of the team - 9 boys and 9 girls and all performed exceptionally well! There were so many stand-out moments from the afternoon - especially the relays, sprints and paarlauf. After an entire afternoon of competitive performances and races, Fir Tree were announced as the winner of the tournament! This result means that we have qualified for the South Oxfordshire finals! 

Sportshall Athletics Partnership Tournament

Fir Tree vs Sonning Common:


On Wednesday 30th January, the Fir Tree Year 5/6 football played away in their opening game of the Vale of the White Horse League against Sonning Common. A tricky start meant that Fir Tree found themselves 2-0 down very quickly despite some heroics in goal from Ewan. Fir Tree managed to score a reply before half-time with a goal from Abbie meaning the first half finished 2-1 to Sonning Common. At the start of the second half, Sonning Common grabbed another before Abbie scored again meaning the score was 3-2 to Sonning Common going into the final quarter of the game. Unfortunately, the tiredness of the day's athletics seemed to hit Fir Tree as Sonning Common scored a quick flurry of goals meaning the final score ended up being 6-2 to Sonning Common. There were some real stand out performances despite the defeat but we will no doubt come back stronger for the next game against Goring at home on the 22nd of February.

Year 3/4 mixed football tournament at Cranford House

On Tuesday 23rd of January, Year 4 entered a tournament at the Hithercroft hosted by Cranford House. We played against Woodcote, Whitchurch and two Cranford House teams in our group and we beat every team without conceding a goal. In the semi-final we were up against another Whitchurch team and Fir Tree breezed past them into the final with a solid 5-0 win. The final was a much tighter game as we faced local rivals Crowmarsh. The final quickly went to 1-1 but Fir Tree pulled through in the end to win the final 2-1 and finish the tournament as champions. It was an incredible performance from Fir Tree who communicated amazingly throughout and competed with respect and positivity! The pink away kit has yet again pulled through too and has given it a winning start in its debut outing for a tournament! Well done Fir Tree - what a performance! 

Year 5/6 Cross Country event at Radley College

On a wet and windy Tuesday 23rd January, Fir Tree took 11 excited children to take part in the Oxfordshire Schools’ Cross Country Championships at Radley College. First off were the year 6 boys/girls who went out with speedy pace, shortly followed by the staggered start of the year 5s to begin their 2.2km course. Home first was Oscar who crossed the line in an impressive time of 9 minutes 31 seconds, followed by Emily who looked like she was running with complete ease, despite finishing in the top 5 of the year 6 girls category. Not long after, Zeph finished with fierce determination and with a time only 2 seconds behind  Oscar’s. After that, hurtling around the finishing corner came the super quick sprint finishes from Freddie and Harry. This was closely followed by Phoebe, Abbie and Euan who provided a solid team run together fighting their way through the line. Following this were impressive finishes from William, Tom and Martha who over took a number of competitors before the finish line demonstrating their perseverance to never give up. All 11 children gave fantastic performances and exceptional amounts of courage throughout their runs across the muddy course. To add further to a brilliant day, Zeph and Emily both managed to qualify to represent Oxfordshire at the National Primary Schools Cross Country Championships later in the year due to finishing top 10 in their respective years. We would like to say a massive well done to everyone who took part and for providing an exceptional first outing for our new Fir Tree kit.

Year 5/6 hockey tournament

An exciting afternoon of hockey was held at Wallingford school yesterday, with two teams representing our school. Team A started hesitantly and it took them the first match (which was against Team B) to work as a team and develop confidence. Losing 0-3 did not upset their determination to do their best in this tournament and when Buddy decided he wanted to move from defence into attack, a formidable pairing between Buddy and Freddie began and boy were they a force to be reconciled with. Supported by Aoife, Fir Tree A went on to win their matches against St. John's and Cholsey with some super goal scoring from the boys. Facing Benson, Daisy, Archie, Euan and Zeph had to work hard as the Benson attackers were relentless. Sadly, in the last minute of he game, we conceded a goal and when into our final match against Brightwell having won 2 and lost 2. Our final match was against Brightwell, who we knew were a strong team as they had scored within the first few seconds of their game against Fir Tree B, and it ended with a victory for Brightwell. Overall, Team A came 4th and Team B won every match and brought home the trophy! Congratulation to them for their excellent play. It was a super afternoon and both teams were exceptional. 

The Vale of White Horse Football League - match 1

On Tuesday 16th of January, Fir Tree Girls began their campaign in the Vale of the White Horse Football League against Sonning Common Primary School. It was an incredibly cold afternoon at Fir Tree but spirits were high and the enthusiasm was fantastic too. The game started with a high tempo and Fir Tree quickly gained an early lead with Abbie scoring from close range. A few minutes later, Abbie saw the goalkeeper off her line and chipped her from long distance - two nil. Abbie completed a first-half hattrick not long after that. Just before the stroke of half-time, Fir Tree were awarded a penalty which Sophie despatched clinically into the top right-hand corner. The first half finished 4-0 to Fir Tree. Sonning Common came out firing in the second half but a free-kick off the crossbar and finished by Eva meant that Fir Tree took a 5-0 lead into the last few minutes. Sonning Common managed to scramble back two last-minute goals before the final whistle but the fight wasn't enough. This meant Fir Tree won their first league game 5-2 with three more to play. Amazing performance girls! The power of the pink kit definitely helped - it was great to get off to a winning start in our new colours!

Boys' Football Tournament

On Thursday the 9th of November, the Year 6 boys played in a football tournament against other teams within the partnership. There were 8 teams in total and the three Fir Tree teams played incredibly well overall with some outstanding performances all round. The weather played a significant factor over the course of the afternoon and it was perhaps one of the wettest tournaments I have ever seen so that certainly played its part in how the tournament went - many games ended in draws or extremely tight losses or wins for all sides. In the end, Fir Tree finished 3rd but there was only the barest of margins between the top few teams. All teams won several games and the overall standard was excellent. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to get any action shots during the tournament due to the fairly relentless rain! Well done boys, you performed incredibly well – we hope to see more as the year goes on.

Year 3/4 girls' football tournament

 Super proud of our Year 4 Lionesses who recently came 2nd in the partnership football tournament. Both Mrs Somarakis and Miss Hutchings were impressed with the girls' energy and enthusiasm, despite the drizzling rain. This means that our girls' are through to the county final in March!

Year 5/6 Partnership Netball Tournament

Wow! A Fir Tree A v Fir Tree B final in the recent partnership netball tournament. Well done to both teams for superb match play throughout the whole tournament. Fir Tree A won the final match 3 -0 thanks to some talented shooters. Both teams are through to the next round. Go Fir Tree! 

On Thursday the 12th of October, we took two girls' teams to the Year 5/6 football tournament at Wallingford School. We played against teams from Benson, St Johns, Cholsey, and Brightwell and the girls performed fantastically. One of our teams played their way into the semi-finals but unfortunately, our other team didn't quite make it there due to some very unlucky last-minute goals in their games. A special shout-out to Bella J from that team who made some outstanding saves in each game and really kept her team in it at times. The Fir Tree team who made it into the semi-finals played Brightwell and managed to beat them 2-0 which included one superb goal from within Fir Tree's own half! This took Fir Tree into the final against Cholsey who they had already played in the group stages and had beaten 2-0. The final was a much tighter game but Fir Tree managed to sneak the win 1-0 in a very edgy affair, with a cooly finished goal from Abbie S. Congratulations to all the girls who took part - you did Fir Tree proud!


Well done to Cherry and Silver Birch classes, who recently did their Bikeability training. Most of them achieved Level 2 and this means that they can now:

Start and stop with more confidence

Pass stationary vehicles parked on a road

Understand the road: signals, signs and road markings

Negotiate the road: including quiet junctions, crossroads and roundabouts

Share the road with other vehicles


We hope to see many of them using their bikes to ride to school in future.

Chance to Shine cricket

Four of our classes were lucky enough to work with Chance to Shine cricket recently. We began by practicing our catching and Joe, our coach, kept increasing the challenge because we dropped very few balls. Joe then taught us how to bowl overarm and gave us some top tips to ensure our bowling was accurate. After this we worked on our batting technique and it soon became clear that we have some very talented players at Fir Tree. According to Freddie H it was the best PE lesson ever! 

PE and Sports 2022-2023

Chairman's cup Tag rugby tournament

We recently took part in the Chairman's cup tag rugby tournament at Oxford University rugby club. Our first match resulted in a win 5-1, followed by a 4-0 win at the end of our second game. Our third game against All Saints was intense and finished in a draw  4-4. The pressure was on for our final game as we knew that All Saints had also won a coupe of their matches. Alas, luck was on our side and we won our final match 3-2. Well done to the team for your brilliant teamwork - we are super proud of you!

Tag Rugby tournament

 What an amazing Tag Rugby tournament our three teams participated in yesterday at the Hithercroft Sports Park! A total of 9 teams took part, playing in mixed teams, 7 a side. All three teams played with determination and grit. Fir Tree Sharks kept on battling until the end and their performance went from strength to strength. Fir Tree Wasps scored try after try and impressed Mrs Bailey with their tactical defence and positivity. Having not won this particular tournament since 2008, we were overjoyed as Fir Tree Chiefs won every match they played and were the overall winners of the entire tournament. The team really complimented each other well, with some superb dodging to avoid being tagged by the opposition and such accurate tagging by the girls. It was a very well-run tournament and enjoyed by all - well done to everyone for taking part and never giving up!

Year 3/4 partnership netball tournament

Huge congratulations to our year 3/4 netballers, who recently came 2nd in our partnership tournament. You really impressed Miss Jordan and Miss Milsom with your teamwork skills. Huge thanks to Miss Milsom and Miss Peecock for running the after-school netball club every Monday.

South Oxfordshire Football final

Our Fir Tree Lionesses recently won the South Oxfordshire football tournament and we hugely proud of them. This means they are through to round 3! They played against the best teams in South Oxfordshire in a league format, winning all of their games, which meant they progressed into the semi-final as top seeds. The semi-final was very tight and finished 0-0, after normal time. Sophie P scored in the last few minutes of extra time to put Fir Tree through to the final. In the final, Fir Tree played against Nettlebed and Abbie scored very early from a corner. A few minutes later, Abbie scored a second goal which resulted in us winning the final 2-0. We are very much looking forward to playing the best teams across the whole of Oxfordshire - it's coming home!


 We recently had Team Rubicon to deliver a skateboarding workshop to every class. The verdict was unanimous...we LOVED it! The sessions were funded using some of our sport premium funding because we believe that there's a sport out there for everyone. Our aim is to encourage our children to be active by introducing different sports for them to try. Some of our children's confidence hugely improved by the end of the session and many of our children are now wanting a skateboard to continue to practice at home. With skateboarding now an Olympic sport, who knows if a former Fir Tree pupil might make it to the top one day. Our next step is to write to Wallingford council to persuade them to build a skateboarding ramp in our lovely town - watch this space!

Netball club match V St. John's

Fir Tree netball club played St. John's school in a friendly at home. Our Team A lost 5-0 and our B team lost 5-1. It was great to see year 3, 4, 5 and 6 players working together as a team and for many of our children it was their first match. Mr. Wilcox bribed Issac to score a goal and guess what...two minutes later our only goal of the match was scored! 

PS. Issac is still waiting for his treat!

Year 3/4 mixed football tournament

On Thursday, 9th February, Fir tree's year 3 and 4 boys and girls entered a football tournament at Wallingford school. Nine teams played in total and Fir Tree entered two teams. Out of 8 fixtures, Fir Tree only lost one game and one team did not concede a single goal! Unfortunately that team was knocked out on penalties - a cruel way to go out! We were exceptionally proud of the performances of all our players and can't wait to see them play again! Well done Fir Tree!

Sportshall athletics tournament

Nineteen of our year 6 children recently took part in a sportshall athletics tournment at Wallingford school. They participated in a range of events including speed bounce, javelin, relay sprints and paarlauf races. Our speedy sprinters won 6/6 races! It was incredibly tense between Fir Tree and Benson and came right down to the very last race. Our amazing athletes came second and we are hugely proud of them. 

Active break times...we think so!

Maths Orienteering


Alongside our Fitness Friday and the year 5s passion for the World Cup, we developed an orienteering maths course testing their mental arithmetic, measuring and football knowledge. The freezing temperatures did not faze the classes as they completed two rounds of questions, pushing their physical and metal fitness to the max!



Mini Marathon 22


The year 5 classes took part in the TCS Mini London Marathon alongside 600,00 other children across the UK. They ran, jogged and walked 2.6 miles in school. They were an inspiration with many completing nearer 2 mini marathons! This week they received a commemorative pin badge which they have all worn with pride. Both classes also received a Marathon Medal to display in their classroom. We look forward to competing again next year and getting even more classes involved!



Indoor PE


Rain never stops play at Fir Tree! With awful weather and the hall being taken for Sports Leaders training Year 6 adapted well to change. With the Men's World Cup in full flow the activities were created to keep up with the terms football topic. 


Silver Birch were keen to keep up their fitness by creating a football fitness circuit including agility ladders and dynamic dribbling along with core strength training and cardio all completed around the classroom. Cherry were highly competitive setting personal bests with their keepy ups. Rileigh, enjoyed learning a new game of 'Finger Football' and said he would make his own version for Golf when he got home. Whilst playing a game of Boccia, which worked on goalkeeper distribution, the girls were intrigued to find out more about the sport and researched past winners of the Paralympics. Stan wanted to create a new playing kit for Argentina, maybe it will give them better luck for the rest of the tournament.  




Junior Active Leaders

 We have used some of our premium funding to train our twenty sports leaders to transform our playground into an active place at break times. Day 1 of our Junior Active Leader course was a huge success and we learned about the qualities of a good leader. We discussed in groups and came up with some brilliant adjectives to explain the characteristics required - see the words we generated o the whiteboard photo above.. We also discussed the difference between a boss and a leader. Ayda explained that a boss just tells you what to do whereas a leader helps you achieve your goal. Today, we learned so many games that we could teach our younger classes - Torpedo, Cops and Robbers, Hula Tag, Surfers and Crabs, Under the Sea, Donkey game and Never Steal from an Ostrich. 

A large part of today was spent thinking about keeping safe. As leaders it is our responsibility to risk assess our game and our playing area to keep everyone safe. We spent time discussing hazards and what we could do to minimise risk. We're looking forward to the next part of our session which will focus on communication and creating our own games to teach others so that our children will be more active at break times and therefore become better learners, with increased concentration and focus.

According to Isla: 'This is the best course ever!' 

Junior Active Leaders Day 2 - Becoming effective communicators

Day 2 was how to communicate effectively and we learned a number of top tips: 

  • Stand where everyone can see you
  • Think about what you're going to say and practice first
  • Make sure everyone is listening to the group. Wait until the group is quiet
  • Speak slowly and clearly
  • Don't shout - save you voice
  • Ask if everyone understands


We also discussed the qualities you expect to see in a leader when communicating e.g. stand tall, demonstrate positive body language, be energetic and model the behaviour you expect to see. Additionally, make sure everyone in the group is included and make sure everyone is engaged. 

We also learned another ten games today that we can play in our playground and teach other children to play. Amanda talked to us about how we can adapt the games we have learned by making them slightly easier or slightly harder. We are looking forward to teaching the Year 4's tomorrow and inventing our own playground games to teach the Year 3's on Thursday. 

Junior Active Leaders Day 3

 Day 3 of our Junior Active course and today we taught Ash class. It was great to see the leaders becoming more confident with each group that they worked with. Their instructions were clear and they were full of encouragement for our year 4 children. Amanda, our course leader, commented how mature and reflective we were as a group. After this, we invented our own games to play in the playground. We had to test our games to see if they needed tweaking before teaching it to our year 3 classes tomorrow. Of course, we also learned some new games to use at break times e.g. Submarines and Zombies' cave.


Here are some quotes from our year 4 children:

' The games were really fun and the active leaders were really kind.' FM

'I enjoyed it because the leaders were helpful and kept everyone on task.' FP

'They were good activities because the active leaders had clear instructions and fun games.' LW

' I likes it because the active leaders made sure we had fun.' MF

' I enjoyed it because the active leaders explained the games well and gave really good demonstrations.' MC

Day 5 Junior Active Leaders

 What an amazing end to our Junior Active Leader course! Our day began learning the basics of first aid with three paramedic students from Oxford Brookes University. After this, we got to teach the year 3 classes the games that we had invented - this was great fun! We were very impressed with the listening skills and enthusiasm of Cedar and Willow. Special thanks to their teachers for letting us borrow their children for this session. Our afternoon was spent planning the fortnightly timetable of activities that we will run to ensure our break times are as active as possible. 

Reading in PE




PE isn't always about being active but also learning social and listening skills. Classes have been enjoying these books over the last few weeks as either a calming start to get ready for PE lessons after break or to be ready to learn back in the classroom at the end of the lesson. Its enabled us to have some good conversations about helping one another, problems that can arise and how we can help and also discussing issues within sport such as women's football being banned and the effect of this.

Year 5/6 boys' football tournament

 It was dark, cold and extremely wet at our recent partnership tournament. We took three teams to the event and faced some extremely tough opposition. Sadly, it just wasn't our day, despite Harry B and Charlie's super goal saving, Stan's attempts on goal and Harry E's defensive leg action. We showed incredible Fir Tree values and kept our heads up and although we didn't gain a place in either semi-final, we were close! Well done team for superb team spirit - you battled on until the end.

Men's Football World Cup 


The whole school have been getting involved with the start of the World Cup. Every child (and staff member) has a team to support and have been taking part in activities across the curriculum including Art and PSHE. Each week there has been a skills challenge set in PE lessons to self improve and compete against others to help gain points for their team. Who will win the Fir Tree World Cup 2022?!



Year 6 Badminton

Year 6 are really enjoying their weekly badminton lesson with Jamie. Jamie is one of the top badminton players in the country and he's so passionate about his sport that he enjoys travelling around schools to inspire children to take up the sport. Our first lesson focused on hand/eye coordination and was a lot of fun. It's very important to master the basics first and I'm sure it won't take long before we become experts. 

Girls' Football Tournament

We recently took two teams of year 5/6 girls to participate in our girls' football partnership tournament. The first game of the tournament ended in a 3-0 win for Fir Tree A. Fir Tree B lost their second game 4-0 but Fir Tree A won their second game with some super goal scoring from Abbie.Fir Tree A went on to win their third game 3-0. Sadly, Fir Tree B lost 3-0 to their opposition. The final game of the match was Fir Tree A versus Fir Tree B. This ended in a 3-0 win for Fir Tree A ,who were the overall winners of the tournament. Well done to both teams for superb team spirit and for scoring so many goals.

Team Building


Team building is a great way to start the school year. Each class has been developing key skills in order to learn more about themselves and their class mates as well as how to get the best out of them. Challenges have been set to develop leadership, listening and communicating skills. Many situations put them out of their comfort zones and really stretched their creativity. 










Well done to our year 6 children who recently took part in Bikeabilty. The children learned about how to ride safely on the road and most children passed their level 2 badge. We were especially proud of Isaac and Mo. Mo learned to ride from scratch, showing great determination and perseverance and Isaac really impressed our instructors for the amount of progress he made in such a short space of time. We hope to see more of our pupils riding to school now instead of coming by car. 

Partnership netball tournament

Year 5 and 6 played some tough opposition but it was great to see such positiveness and perseverance on show. Team A played matches against St John’s A, Brightwell A and Benson A; though not winning the tournament, the team played amazingly and their team work was incredible. Phoebe, Freddy and Jack played amazing in defence, getting all the rebounds. Emily, Rhea and Laila getting lots of interceptions in centre, regaining position of the ball. Evie and Jenny showed their talents in shooting and got multiple goals for the team. The B team secured two convincing wins with superb link up play between Teddy and Alice. Sophie and Julia worked hard to work the ball through the middle of the court alongside Isla's strong defensive reactions. Alex and Ava gained more match knowledge to come back next year with the trophy!

PE  2021-2022

Cherry and Silver Birch classes recently did their Bikeability training with our coach, Ros. Everybody that did the training passed their level 2. Level 2 means that children are confident to:

Start and Stop with confidence

Pass stationary vehicles parked on the road.

Understand the road: signals, signs and road-markings

Negotiate the road: including quiet junctions, crossroads and roundabouts

Share the road with other vehicles.

Year 6 swimming result

Junior Active Leaders

Using some of our premium funding, our Sports leaders have had the most amazing fortnight, taking part in the Junior Active course. The sessions were 70% practical, centred round creating games and leading sessions for younger pupils with an emphasis on teamwork, confidence building and trainee led learning. The sessions included:

What makes a good leader?

Keeping safe

Giving instructions

First aid and CPR training

Inventing a game

Choosing Teams

Everyone involved

Making a Plan

Making adjustments

Playground clubs


It was amazing to watch our 22 Sports leaders blossom in confidence and develop skills such as: responsibility, organisation and communication. Our leaders are now qualified to run sessions at break times for other year groups. These sessions are proving very popular indeed.

Year 6 tag rugby with Wallingford Rugby club

Year 6 Girls' Football Tournament

So proud of our year 6 footballers who recently took part in a football tournament, playing teams from Goring, Stoke Row and Sacred Heart. We saw some excellent defending and attacking and some unbelievable goalkeeping from our two goalies. The girls thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, playing with determination and confidence. Overall, Team A came 4th and Team B came 5th - well done girls!

Each class is lucky to participate in a fortnightly yoga session with our Yoga teacher, Phoebe. Not only is yoga beneficial for our physical health; it also benefits our mental health, allowing us time to feel calm and focus on our breathing. We have learned many positions - as you will have seen in the photos - as we practise our Sun Salutations. For many children it is their favourite time of the week and such a great use of the sports premium.

Chance To Shine cricket

 Year 3 and Year 4 have been lucky enough to work with Chance to Shine cricket this term. Their coach, Kieran is so impressed with their enthusiasm and the progress they are making with their batting and bowling technique. Some of our pupils have enjoyed the sessions so much, they have joined a cricket club outside of school. A huge thanks to Chance to Shine for continuing to support our school.

County Hockey Tournament

Year 6 took part in the county hockey finals. After three very good performances, Fir Tree found themselves in the third place play off against Ashbury. Fir Tree went on to win that game 3-1, which put them fifth out of 264 schools. Wow!

Chairman's Cup Tag Rugby tournament.

 We were lucky to be invited to participate in The Chairman's Cup rugby tournament at the Oxford University ground. Our first match against St. Andrew's resulted in a 35-0 win. The second match against Orchard Meadow saw some brilliant tries scored and a very tight performance but sadly the game finished 30-20 in their favour. Long Furlong was our third match and our second win, 25-20. Sadly, despite a nail-biting loss to All Saints, it was our best played match of the tournament. We want to say a special thanks to Richard Keane from Wallingford Rugby club for our rugby coaching sessions - it was great fun!

 A huge well done to our Street Tag team. Click on the screenshot above to see the results of the Champion's finalist league - we came 7th overall. Considering we were a much smaller team than on previous occasions, we should feel very proud of this achievement. Well done to everyone that took part.

Swimming results 2020-2021

 PE Spring Term 2021


Skipping workshop with Jump Rope UK

We had a brilliant skipping workshop with Adam from Jump Rope UK. Each class got to learn the basics of skipping and then were taught some really cool tricks such as: The double jump and the crossover. We also got to skip in groups using the large skipping ropes and some of us had a go at running in and out - this brought back lots of memories for the adults of how they would spend their playtimes at school when they were younger. We have bought some large skipping ropes because everyone agreed it was such good fun. We are looking forward to using them in our break times.

PE Autumn Term 2020-2021
Street Tag

We are delighted to announce that Fir Tree Junior School will be participating in the Street Tag Oxfordshire Schools Games Season 1 from 5th Oct 2020 to 28th Dec 2020 and we’re so excited!


About Street Tag

Street Tag is a virtual experience where you earn points for all the steps that you do, whether you walk, run or cycle. Wallingford is now filled with virtual tags where you can score bonus points as you walk around the town, which will help us soar up the South Oxfordshire leader board! For communities, Street Tag is exceptional at bringing together families, neighbours, and communities to get out more, by turning streets and green spaces into a virtual playground, to increase families' outdoor experience in walking, running, and cycling more to earn rewards.

Week 1 results…we are 5th on the leader board out of 20 other Oxfordshire schools in our league.

We swiftly moved into 1st place and managed to hold this position until December 28th, when Season 1 ended.

Drumroll…guess which school took FIRST place with over 10 million points, winning £50 for our amazing school… FIR TREE! Well done Street Taggers.


We are now in the Champions League with ten other Oxfordshire schools.

Virtual Partnership tournament.

Each year group is also participating in virtual challenges against other partnership schools. The first two challenges are footgolf and a crossbar challenge.

Foot Golf

How many kicks of the ball does it take to get the football in the target?



Crossbar Challenge

How many times can you hit the crossbar in 10 attempts?


From 10 yards away for Primary (edge of the penalty box on a 7 aside pitch) or 18 yards away for secondary (edge of the penalty box on a standard full size pitch) see how many times out of 10 you can hit the crossbar.


'We enjoyed competing virtually against other schools.' Luke

'It was tricky to start but we soon got the hang of it.' James




Sports' Leaders

We are delighted to have children volunteer to become Sport Leaders. Well done to the Year 6 children from Cherry and Silver Birch. All children had a Sports Leader training session with Nick from Chance to Shine. Nick was very impressed with the group’s confidence and everyone passed with flying colours. Below is Kian standing proudly with his certificate.


Cherry and Silver Birch classes have enjoyed their Bikeability sessions this term.  76% passed their level 2. Well done to everyone for demonstrating great safety awareness. We hope it encourages our children to ride to school when the weather warms up and the days are lighter.

Chance to Shine Cricket

Year 4 and year 6 classes have enjoyed their cricket sessions with Chance to Shine and our amazing coach, Nick. We have had six sessions to develop our batting and bowling technique. We all agree that these sessions have improved our cricket ability and have been immense fun!

Jingle Jog

Each class enjoyed a 3k jingle jog to spread some festive cheer. Children and some staff dressed in sparkle to race around the field. Donations for two local charities were brought in and we raised a whopping…..

PE Autumn Term 2019-2020

Swimming result for Year 6 cohort

Year 6 P.E morning at Wallingford school.

Year 3/4 celebrating their victory in the partnership football tournament.

Year 5/6 girls celebrating second place in the partnership tournament.

Our skateboarding taster day.

Our Year 5/6 netballers came second in the partnership tournament.

Our A and B Team are through to the county hockey finals.

Our A team came first and our B team came third in the Year 5/6 partnership football tournament.

Swimming results 2018-2019

Chance to Shine cricket.



Year 6 have had the amazing opportunity of working with ' Chance to Shine' learning how to improve their cricket skills. George, our coach, taught us how to improve our performance and learn the basic principles of the game. Each session was challenging, fun and fast-paced. George was hugely impressed with the enthusiasm of our year 6's and the sessions were eagerly anticipated each week. With the cricket World cup this year, 'Chance to Shine' have definitely whet our appetites for this tournament to start.

Here are some quotes from some of our pupils:

' I really loved the sessions. I liked how he changed the game each week - the variety!'

' I definitely have a greater interest in cricket. I couldn't do it before but now I can.' 

 A huge well done to our Sportshall athletics group for coming second in the partnership tournament. They are through to the second round - watch this space!

Level 3 Bikeability

8 of Silver Birch class and 10 from Cherry class recently took their Bikeability level 3 award. Well done to all of our year 6's as we have never had so many pupils passing level 2 - clearly we are cycling more outside of school.

Our active advent calendar.

Here is Sycamore class with Day 1 and Day 2 of our whole school active advent calendar. Day 1 is the Go Noodle dance, 'You can't touch this' and day 2 was jogging on the spot for 30 seconds. You can tell by the smiles on their faces that they are enjoying themselves.

Silver Birch v Cherry Inter competition

We held our first inter competition of the year, Friday19th October. Cherry class and Silver birch played four netball matches in total, demonstrating great skill, teamwork and determination. Cherry won two of the matches and the other two matches were a draw. To be fair, Cherry should have won since most of the netball team are in that class! Silver birch are looking forward to their next inter competition, which will be Tag rugby. Watch this space for news!

PE Morning at Wallingford School

Year 6 had a fantastic P.E morning at Wallingford school. They had the opportunity to learn bouldering techniques on the climbing wall; take part in a range of invasion games; develop trampolining skills and learn the 'Thriller' dance. It was great to work with year 6 from other schools too.

We had a hugely successful girls' football tournament at Wallingford school. Our Year 5/6 girls came first and third and our Year 3/4 girls can first! Well done girls for superb play and excellent team spirit.


Our year 5/6 took part in the partnership netball tournament at Wallingford school. Our A team played 5 matches and won each match except for 1. They missed out on first place by a goal. Our B team came fifth in the tournament and were superb, considering it was the first time they have played as a team. The drew two matches and lost three. Well done Lacey for scoring a hat-trick in the final game.

Summer Sport leaders

A massive well done to our athletics team who recently came first in the partnership Quadkids tournament at Wallingford school. This included events such as 600m run, 75m sprint, vortex howler throw, standing long jump throw and more. The children are through to the next round at St. Birunus school- good luck!


What a hugely talented and creative bunch of children we have at Fir Tree! To kick off the World cup fever, Fir Tree children were asked to bake a cake to represent a country taking part. Can you recognise the countries in the picture below? Japan, Germany, Sweden, Mexico and Portugal.

A huge well done to Evie Taylor and Maia Bridgeman-Hughes for winning first place for upper and lower school. Money raised will be used to purchase P.E resources. Special thanks to some of our Sportsleaders who stayed behind after school to sell the cakes.

Our World cup themed cake sale!

Sport relief 2018

Swimming results for our Year 6 cohort 2017-2018

Just look at the beaming smiles of our year 4 netballers in the photo below! We are not surprised after they came second in the year 3/4 netball  tournament yesterday at Wallingford school. Mrs Muller was impressed with their team spirit- well done year 4!
We entered our partnership swimming gala in January held at the Oratory pool. A huge congratulations to our team as their team spirit was excellent. Our boys came third overall and our girls came second. This means that the girls have qualified for the next round in Henley. Thank you to our lovely parents who made such eye-catching banners, demonstrating their support for the team. Good luck to the Fir Tree Fins in the next round.

Year 6 'Jingle Jog'

In anticipation of all the mince pies we might eat over the festive period, Year 6 took part in a ‘Jingle Jog’- a 3k run/ walk around the school field. We calculated that 3K was 1.8 miles and 7.2 laps of our field. In freezing conditions, with plenty of festive cheer, Year 6 had a brilliant run chasing Santa and the naughty elf around the track- well done Year 6 for great festive spirit!
