  • Fir Tree Junior School

'Learning and Growing Together'

Home Page

Maple Year 4

Welcome to Maple Class 24/25



Our teacher is Mrs Baker (Monday-Thursday) and Mrs Fairbairn (Friday) and we also have our wonderful teaching assistants, Mrs Parker and Mrs Joy on hand to help.


Our PE days for Term 2 are Monday (hockey) and Tuesday (tag rugby).

This page will be updated regularly to update you on what Maple

class have been learning in school.


Project homework is due on 

Tuesday 12th December.




Music - Brass lessons and learning to play the cornet

PE - Hockey

Our Trip to Wallingford Museum

Take One Piece - Anna Meredith

Rivers - Across the Curriculum!

Preparing our E-Safety PowerPoints

Non - Chronological Reports (based on an animal of our choice)

River Project Homework

Project Homework Grid

Times Tables Support 

Recognition Awards

In the event of self-isolation or further lockdown


In the event of your child needing to self-isolate please use the links above that your child can do in any of the subjects. In the event of our class bubble isolating or a school closure lockdown, we will be using Teams online. Your child will need their username and password to access Teams.

Contact me
