  • Fir Tree Junior School

'Learning and Growing Together'

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Cedar Year 3


Cedar Class  has 30  children.  The Cedar team are  Mrs Giles, Mrs Bones and Mrs Hall. Making learning fun is our speciality!  There are so many fun things  to look forward to in the year ahead.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you ever have any queries or concerns. 

PE days - Term 6 PE is on  Monday and Tuesday.   Please wear your PE kit to school on these days and bring a sun hat for those sunny days we are long overdue!  


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Term 6 -The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Plants

Maths - Recreating right angles with body shapes, then going on an angles hunt in the school grounds to find examples of acute, obtuse and right angles.

We have been writing our own  beginning of The Tempest story. We have explored ‘ninja’ vocabulary through work with a thesaurus and generated similes, personification and more! We couldn’t be more proud of the  work ALL the children in writing and the progress they are making. 


A strong hurricane was erupting over the island. Palm trees were cut, ripped and sliced.  The gale hissed and slashed off their  branches which sent them falling through the air uncontrollably.   

On a sandy beach, not far from the mouth of his cave,  stood Prospero, the king wizard, his white lily hair and white lily beard streamed out in the hissing wind. His jet black robes flapped around.

By Esme 


Long, long away there was an island perished by a devilish storm. Hurricanes, gales and tornadoes, cracked and thundered. The heavy wind blew and sliced the poor palm trees. They rotated like dancers doing great backflips.  The gales squealed as loud as ten thousand lions roaring at the same time.  The palm trees that slouched were already in the distance.   The storm, which screeched and howled, got heavier and heavier.

On a wet, miserable beach stood mute Prospero, the hairy, wrinkly wizard.  Raging, wild weather yelled into the ears on the wizard.  In the dark, blood-curdling cave, his raven black robe fluttered furiously.

By Milan 



An aggressive, violent, horrific and torturous storm was raging over the island. Palm trees arched and the branches were crooked. They twisted and turned as flew through the air.

On a stormy beach, not far away from the mouth of the cave, Prospero, the evil wizard, was positioned with his  snowy white hair and beard streaming out in the wind. His charcoal robes were flapping around him.

By Ryan

Music - End of year recorder performance

Ukulele taster sessions - such fun!

Art - Creating a vase design.....

Science - Learning the names of parts of the plant and understanding what the job of each part is.

Art - Exploring the shapes of flower heads before we commit our ideas on foam ready for printing

Understanding the opening of The Tempest story by William Shakespeare

Maths - Place Value

Term 5 -Take One Tale and Amazing Bodies

A selection of some of the fantastic project homework which the class loved sharing. Thank you for all your hard work.

Science - Learning about how muscles work and making a model.

English - Performance Poetry

PSHE - A focus on friendship relationships

Science Investigation - Do people with the longest femur have the longest jump?

Art - Drawing detailed bodies in pen. Look. Look again. Look some more. Look at shapes. Look at size. Look at detail. Draw it in pen so you can't rub out. Thanks to our fantastic models, Louie and Olivia!

Cricket - Using all previous learnt cricketing skills, we experienced playing a diamond cricket game!

Science - Which could be the odd one out and why?

Collective class thoughts on  what could be the odd one out.


  • only one that doesn't have legs/feet/only one that moves by slithering
  • only one that is a reptile
  • has a very flexible spine and can coil right up
  • it's spine is made up of many bones (between 200-400 vertebrae)
  • it  may have more bones than the others

Elephant (or is it a woolly mammoth?)

  • it has tusks
  • only mammal
  • it has the biggest, strongest, heaviest bone
  • it is the only one with  4 legs/ it is the only quadruped
  • it has teeth
  • could be the only one extinct now if it is a woolly mammoth
  • maybe it has the least number of it's species left in the world 
  • it is the only one that doesn't lay eggs
  • only one with ears on the outside


  • only one that would have had feathers
  • it cold fly
  • only one with a beak/wings
  • it has small bones
  • birds have hollow bones
  • it has claws
  • it has 2 feet/ is a biped


What else could we have added?

RE - Developing a World View. What do you and others see in these optical illusions?

Forest Learning and Fun

Developing Mapping Skills - We looked on Google Earth at aerial views of the school to understand drawing with a bird's eye view.

Talitha was a beat boxing expert! We learnt many different rhythms and effects in the session. Who would have thought so many different sounds were possible?

Still image for this video

Breakdancing was brilliant fun, if not a little exhausting and challenging, too!

The results of the 'Big Waste' count for Cedar Class. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey!

Kassim and the Greedy Dragon - story mapping to help us learn the story off by heart.

Learning about a balanced diet, different food groups and nutrients. Can you name food examples containing different nutrients? Quiz your family at home.

Measuring in cm, m and mastering measuring non-straight lines.

Learning about the artist, Julian Opie, and recreating his style

Term 4 - 'May the Force Be With You' and  Robots

Prints from collagraph

Magnetic magic trick and magnet strength testing

DT - Designing a pneumatic robot head

World Book Day 2024 - Visiting author and illustrator, Gary Northfield, shared top tips for creating and illustrating characters.

A fun PE session with Wallingford School Year 13 Young Leaders

Science - Attract or Repel?

Forest Fire Fun!

Writing - Developing word power by using a thesaurus!

Generating robot sketches ready for making a collagraph

Investigating friction

Identifying forces - Miming actions and naming the forces

Exploring Pneumatics - Pneumatics is a Greek word meaning 'air' or 'gas'.

RE - What happens if we do wrong? The word 'immoral' is the opposite of moral and means unacceptable, unfair, wrong or dishonest.

Exploring fractions

Music retrieval quiz - What can you remember?

IT - Exploring Coding with Angry Bird and Pig! Lots of children wanted to further explore this at home!

Exploring different sentence types and their effect

Science - Odd One Out?

"Maybe the odd one out is the third one because 1 and 2 have humans involved. No-one is touching anything in number 3.

"Could it be the drawer because  it is the only one that has a push and pull?"

"It's the one with the magnet because it is the only one with a magnetic force."


What other reasons could there be?




Basketball with Mr Mule

Term 3 Take One Piece and Romans

Kenning poems about Romans

A big thank you to Clare for coming in and sharing her expertise with us with talking us through some Roman artefacts and then leading our session on making clay Roman coins.

PE - Gymnastics with Mr Mule. Here is a snapshot of what they have been getting up to in lessons.

DT - Starting the making process for our chariots

Finding out facts and history knowledge about Roman chariots

Design Technology - Designing a Roman chariot

Sequencing the Story of Romulus and Remus

Making totals with the smallest number of coins

Music - Our own composition for recorders

Romans - What do we already know? What do we want to find out?

History - Learning about timelines and sequencing significant events of Roman history

Finishing off learning about Shadows from our project last term

Take One Piece - Drawing and writing a response to the music we had listened to without knowing what it was all about

Give it a title

We had to create the best name for the music that we had heard.   We had no idea what it was actually called. Why not listen to Anna Meredith's 'Connect It' and  see which you think  suits it best from the suggestions below.  In class we talked about everyone  having a different and individual response to what we had heard, therefore no suggestions are wrong!  We talked about  the need for capitalisation of the title and the possibility of using  alliteration to make it catchy. We agreed that  a short title would be more  memorable than a long  choice of words. 

Puffy Penguins

Banging Sticks

The Terrible War Goes On

Roman Fight

Banging Fireworks

Kicking Rockstar

Bang Go Intrigued Indians

Roman Battle

Banging Romans

Dance Along

Battle Brothers

Loud Lane

Tango Dancing

Titanium Hero

Sound Wave

Battle Of Shipwrecked Boats

Cavemen Singing of Torture

Banging Drums

Clap Stomp Clank Boom

People Who Kill

Music of the Beat

Noise From the Jungle

Raging Fireworks

Developing retrieval skills from a text about Anna Meredith, the composer of our Take One Piece music called, 'Connect It'.

Mrs Bones' maths group are learning about money

Extra forest Christmas session

Christmas Dinner - Siva and Sanusha do an amazing job. A massive thank you also to all parents who helped with preparations and on the day itself.

Finished Pop Up Cards

Thank you for your fabulous feedback. We couldn't be more proud of all the Year 3 children!

DT - Investigating and exploring pop up card designs. Thinking about what a professional looking pop up card needs.

IT - Using PIC-COLLAGE to create a picture representing ' Jesus' Christmas Party' and ideas from our play.

Flying Santa

Getting into the Christmas spirit!

Shape work with Mrs Bones

Science - Sun - Is it a hero or villain?

Maths - multiplication and division

Shape maths with Mrs Bones

Dance Workshop with Cameron - Learning a dance routine to 'Stick It to the Man' from School of Rock

Reflecting on Remembrance Day

Over several days, we read 'War Game' and reflected on what it was like in  WW1.  From the excitement of signing up to the army thinking that an adventure lay before them, to the angst of  their parents watching their children leave, to fear in battle,  camaraderie, trauma of losing loved ones  and much more.  A football game brings people together despite everything.  There is so much to reflect on in this wonderful book.

Making lighter and darker shades with watercolour paints

Science - Magnificent Mirrors!

What would happen if we didn't have mirrors?  What impact would it have on lives as we know it?



We couldn’t see what we look like. Keira

We could never see our faces and whole body. Talitha and Theo

We wouldn’t have angles. Sienna (reflection)

People wouldn’t be able to do make up themselves. Eva

No-one could see to put their hair up. Keira

People couldn’t play mirror mazes. Sienna

We need mirrors to look at and fix the underneath of cars. Margot

Mirrors are needed when brushing teeth to check you have cleaned them properly. Juliette

We couldn’t reverse properly in cars - we would crash! Tristan

Dentists use mirrors to look at the back of your teeth. Nieva

We wouldn’t have kaleidoscopes.   Talitha

Art - Creating different shades

PE - Developing hockey skills

Science - Investigating which materials are reflective?

Door challenge!

We thoroughly enjoyed the door challenge in Cedar Class!

The class wanted leaves, lots of different coloured leaves on an autumnal tree with  some wildlife. 

We set about making sewn leaves, embellished  with beads and buttons. to further develop  our sewing skills. Children chose autumnal coloured threads and accessories.  Every child made a sewn leaf.

To generate even more leaves we did leaf rubbings with crayons and pastels.   There were exclamations of, "It's magic, it really is!" going around the class.  These leaves were cut with an emphasis on professional cutting.  Some people even looked closely at the leaves, especially the veins, and created observational drawings.

The finishing touch was an owl sat in the tree. Thank you Holly!

We really enjoyed the collaboration in this project.  We have received lots of  praise  from other  children and staff  for how colourful and attractive it looks.

Have a look at the Arts web page to see all the doors from across the school.

Door challenge preparation

RE Learning about Diwali, the festival of Light

In the story of Rama and Sita, light symbolises the victory of good over evil when King Rama defeated  Ravana.  Rows of clay lamps lit their way home.


What does light mean for you? We discussed how light makes some of us feel safe and warm.  It gives some people hope.

Maths - Number Bonds to 100

Writing - Halloween poems

PSHE One of the warm up games we played recently...... there was a lot of laughter!

Stone Age Cave Art

Spelling and Maths with Mrs Bones

History and Art - Learning how to make Stone Age dyed cloth

People from the Stone Age are thought to be the first humans to wear clothes. They made things like trousers, tunics and cloaks. Animal skins
were stretched out and scraped clean. The clothes were cut out from hide and holes were made around the edges of each piece so that it could
be sewn together using a bone needle. Later in the Stone Age, people started weaving cloth which was coloured using natural dyes such as flowers,
bark, seeds and leaves. This led us to have a go at dyeing some muslin cloth. We used a hammer to  press down to extract the colour - we could hear a slight 'crunching' sound and then quickly saw that the dye had been pressed onto our cloth.  We removed any  residue of leaves and berries and then rinsed it in cold water. It was then left to dry.   Some leaves and berries were more effective more than others because of their vibrant colours  and due to their texture  and moisture content.

Drama - Getting into role as 'Ug', a character from The Stone, in a hilarious picture book by Raymond Briggs.

RE - Reflecting on Harvest

Art - Using charcoal to explore cave painting

Do you form your numbers correctly? Correct formation helps your work to be read accurately.

Growth mindset

Music - Learning the recorder

Project work - making a project page about what we have learnt.

Mental Maths - Hit the Button

Letter formation - Mrs Bones lets them write on the table!!!!!!

'Afterward, Everything Was Different' by Rafael Yockteng and Jairo Buitrago. An amazing book plus a bonus observation in mark marking skills! So much discussion is being generated looking at this book together in class, with differing views, thoughts and opinions.

Maths - Exploring number bonds to 10 and 20 through practical games and using equipment

Learning about the properties of rocks - finding out about durability, permeability and density through our own tests.

Gardening with Mel

First Forest Session

In our first forest session with Lizzy today, we were introduced to 3 important ideas.

We must look after ourselves, each other, and the forest and it's inhabitants.


We were given a tour of the different forest areas - fire  circle, mud kitchen, screen or performance area, music area, mud pit, and two camp making areas.

We were shown how to carry sticks and much larger logs and palettes safely.  We were asked to only please get mud for the mud kitchen from the  mud pit, otherwise digging holes on the paths could make them dangerous. Also, no gun play please in the forest!


The groups were given free time to explore the area for themselves. The mud kitchen was particularly popular with all sorts of potions, soups and medicines being concocted!

Water colour technique creating sunset or dusk and silhouettes of Stonehenge which we have been learning about in our reading sessions.

'Taking a line for a walk' and further exploring mark marking including adding colour

Practising different types of sentences. Can you come up with your own ideas using these structures?


Circle Time


In a circle time activity on Friday afternoon, Cedar Class were asked what they wanted their class to feel like and be like for the entire year ahead.

Below are some of the many answers they gave.


Children coming to school and going home with a smile on their faces!




Time to think

Like home/Like a family










“Feel like fizzy sweets” (feeling lots of energy)

Lots to discover/excitement


“Delicious learning”

Extra plays (for hard word)

Children will be brave/confident

Everyone will show kindness

Trying their best

Making mistakes


We are confident that we will achieve all of the above.


Which three words or phrases do you think are the most important and why? What further ideas might we add as time goes on?

Mark Making

DT- Paper challenge to make our own version of the Eiffel Tower. It wasn't easy!

Design and technology - Exploring techniques to strengthen paper. Which techniques will be best when we have a go at making our version of the Eiffel Tower?

Recreating faces in the style of Pablo Picasso on the Year 2 change over day

Below are some of the photos and learning from last academic year.

Term 6  -  The Tempest, Plants and Wallingford

Learning about The Tempest through forest learning with Lizzie

Gardening with Mel

Drama work bringing the beginning of The Tempest to life

PE - Handball

P.E Athletics - Shot put skills

These little angels have been creating and finding right-angles! (We have been talking about the difference in spelling between angles and angels!)

Acute and Obtuse angles too!

Maths - Turns

Term 5 - Take One Tale and Amazing Bodies

Fantastic 'Amazing Bodies' homework which the class LOVED sharing with each other. Thank you to everyone for all your hard and creative work!

Bradley's homework

Still image for this video

Mental Health Awareness Week - focussing on anxiety

"I liked Bradley’s game because it was very creative."  Joe


"I liked Jago’s game because the space before the end said you had to go back to the start if you landed on it. " Eriin


"I liked Matilda’s game because it was very colourful and she had used bubble writing!"  Sarah


"I liked playing Bella’s game because every time you got near the end, if you rolled a four or six, you had to go back one place." Louie


"Freddie’s was my favourite game because if you landed on number seventeen, you had to go right back to the start." Matilda


"Sinead’s was my favourite as it was really fun. I liked that there was lots of details on it." Emily

Mental Health Awareness Week - Anxiety focus

Spelling Conga!

Games and challenges to learn days of the week and months of the year

Half of us had a session in the forest before the torrential rain!

National Vegetarian Week - Making Lasagne

'Dem bones, dem bones! Can you name all these bones with their everyday and medical name?

Geography - Learning about map symbols

Dance - Exploring the main characters of Roald Dahl's book, 'Matilda' - Mr Wormwood, Miss Honey and of course, Matilda.

Rounders with Mr Mule

Art collages to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III

Siva did us proud with a special coronation lunch celebration.

History - Understanding about the Coronation of King Charles III

Superb Crowns! Thank you to everyone who made one for this special and historic occasion!

Artwork in the style of British artist, Julian Opie

Take One Tale - Kassim and the Greedy Dragon


PE - Beginning rounders with Mule

Skateboarding - Starting the term off brilliantly!

PSHE - Family Roles and Responsibilities

Term 4 - 'Robots' and 'May the force be with you!'

Combining Science learning with Design Technology - Design a game which uses magnets

Gardening with Mel

Design and Technology Robots

Design Technology Skills

 In readiness for making robots from recyclable materials, the boxes had to be turned inside out which required disassembling them carefully and then reassembling them.  This was not as easy as it sounds and required cooperation of an extra pair of hands in many cases! Thick cardboard boxes needed the flaps hot glue gunning, but for thinner card boxes masking tape alone was enough provided we remembered to press it down securely. Many people still  automatically want to use too much masking tape, but talking about cost and being environmentally friendly helped many to use it  efficiently and  more effectively.  This left  the boxes plain to enable decoration and embellishments to be added for our final robot design. Whilst the boxes were flat we used the opportunity to talk about  nets of 3D shapes and even revised 3D shape names.

Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful mums out there! We revisited the format of a kenning poem to write about you.

Marking Comic Relief Day

Testing the strength of magnets

Learning about capacity and volume

13th -19th March is British Sign Language (BSL) Week, marking 20 years of the British Government recognising BSL.

Discussing different scenarios and the choices and personal power that you have.

Researching about Passover on the iPads and recording learning in any way you choose.

Writing headlines

Steps to Success for writing headlines (S2S)

  • Use capital letters - refer to classroom display if not sure
  • Small number of words (maximum 4 or 5)
  • powerful/ ninja vocabulary choices
  • Use of alliteration  - same sound starting letters 
  • Use punctuation - ! ?
  • Avoid using  little insignificant, weak words like 'the', 'a'
  • Use clever word play or puns  (This is tricky at this stage!)


Can you think of a headline for something that has happened to you today?  Give it a try! Get all the family involved and practise your skills!

Construction Club


PSHE - Discussing what we know about drugs

World Book Day - Buddy reading with Willow Class and choosing to read at playtime

Celebrating Books! Three of the best possibly.

 Three books we shared in detail this week are pictured above.

 'Journey' is a wordless text and part of a trilogy.  The book talk and ideas that came out of this book across 3 days... WOW,   is all we can say! There  was uproar when we finished the book but also a promise of  revisiting the second part in the trilogy  next term.   It is a book about loneliness, friendship, bravery and imagination where everything and anything is possible!

Battle Bunny explores the potential of turning a seemingly boring text into something very exciting through editing pictures and  words. Editing is an important skill that we teach throughout KS2.

'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, the Horse'  is such a beautiful  book. Many people will be familiar with the  short film of it shown over Christmas, but having the book creates discussion with the brilliantly posed questions in the text  and can explore worries, concerns and  attitudes. It has  themes of love, uniqueness and acceptance.  It is a must for every bookshelf and one you can revisit time and time again.

The Iron Man - Sunsets and Silhouettes

Investigating friction

Exploring fractions by cutting up cake!

A skateboarding lesson with Alex - simply a brilliant way to start the new term with fun, laughter and a sense of achievement! Thank you Alex for a memorable session!

Identifying forces which act on objects - thinking specifically about pushes and pulls.

What do we already know about forces, pushes, pulls, magnets and gravity? Class discussion was kindly scribed by Matilda - Thank you!

Learning about basketball with Mr Mule

Term 3 - Our projects are Take One Piece and the Romans

Our short Roman presentation rehearsal to classmates and the real thing in the afternoon with family. A massive thank you to everyone who came and supported us!

Mrs Bones' pass the parcel is always an eagerly awaited activity which revisits learning, key vocabulary, events and concepts from the term. It is great revision with a question in between each layer of newspaper.

A spot of marching practise and spear throwing at the enemy!

Historical artefacts curiosity and observational drawing of the objects

Writing Kenning Poems

Cooking Roman bread and honey biscuits with Baker Bones - (Thank you Mrs Bones for being so flexible always!)

Learning about perimeter in maths - a problem solving and reasoning activity working in small groups

Design Technology - exploring the ideas behind wheels, axles and chassis and having a challenge to create a vehicle to carry 3 paper clips....

Learning the names of different parts of the body in French

Still image for this video
Here is a little sample of the 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' song in French that we did in just one lesson.

Design and Technology - Designing a Roman Chariot

Using the '5W's and how' to improve the quality and detail in our sentences with Mrs Bones

Fantastic Gymnastics - our final lesson with the brilliant Mrs Sage who we will miss dearly.

We looked at pictures of Roman coins and then tried to recreate our own modern day version of Roman coins.

Steps to Success included..

  • large head  - make it a feature
  • side profile on the face, much like all our coins nowadays 
  • clay  not too thick or thin - too thin and it will snap!
  • smooth areas over with your finger if you make a mistake
  • some Roman numerals on it

Did you know, some Roman coins would have been worth 400 asses!

Being history detectives - asking and answering questions to find out about Roman artefacts from the Oxfordshire museum

Our observations and  ideas about the artefacts

The contents of the small box

  • Is it a piece of Roman chocolate?  Was chocolate around then?
  • Is it a rusty coin?
  • Is it a bullet from a gun? Did they have guns then?
  • I think I can see someone seating on a chair.
  • I can see two humans and two swords
  • Is it a piece from a necklace?
  • I can see writing and letters.


This is a coin of Emperor Julian II

On the reverse of the coin there is a  faint picture of a soldier with a shield spearing an enemy. Roman coins were often used to advertise victories. The inscription on the coin would be translated as ‘the return of happy times’.

The 4 items together

  • Are they tweezers for getting out splinters?
  • Is one of them a small arrow?
  • Is it tweezers for picking up small mosaic pieces?
  • I think one is a ‘hardie’ (a tool for cutting/shaping small mosaic stones)
  • A type of spoon
  • A skewer for putting meat and veg on for cooking/for cooking dormice
  • A spoon?
  • Chopsticks?
  • A spreader?


These items were actually a skewer, a stylus, tweezers and a spatula.

Skewer – used for cooking meat over an open fire

Writing stylus – for writing in Latin onto thin pieces of wood or wooden writing tablets covered in a layer of beeswax. The pointed end was used to make the letters and the flat end was to smooth over any mistakes!

Tweezers – probably used for cosmetic purposes for eyebrow plucking.

Spatula - for spreading ointment or applying cosmetics worn by rich woman. Red and yellow colours were obtained from ochres (natural earths) and white from chalk or lead.  The lead was poisonous to the wearer and would make them feel ill!

Scientific enquiry - developing the skills of a scientist

PE - Hockey

Gardening with Mel

Recorder learning

Responding to a musical stimulus

Our written responses to the music

Threshold Challenge - training the brain to remember details and revisiting learning.

Compose a group piece in the style of Beethoven's 5th Symphony, movement 1 - Skills included selecting and organising sounds, performing and evaluating.

Music - Graphic Scores

Maths - multiplying by 10 by using chairs to show the place value

Term 2 - Our projects are Light and the Nativity

Christmas Concert - Thank you to everyone who attended. We hope you enjoyed it and you were proud of your children. We were very proud of them all!

Excerpt from 'T'was the Night Before Christmas'

Still image for this video

Beautiful Pop Up Christmas Cards

Bouncing Santas - all at different stages of the making process, and all with different characters beginning to emerge. Now with finished santas too!

A little break to play in the snow.....

PSHE - Giving and receiving compliments - How does it feel and make others feel? Do you remember to say 'thank you when someone compliments you?

The sun - hero or villain? Reflecting on the pros and cons of the sun. In our lesson we considered sun safety.

Drawing by torchlight

Enjoying a PE session with the Year 6 playleaders

Music Theory

Football with Mrs Sage

Our Exhibition Afternoon - A massive thank you to all parents who were able to attend, it was so lovely to see you all.

Forest Time - always a highlight of the term for many!

Art - Skills practise exploring and making different shades of a colour

Science experiment to find the most reflective materials. Thank you to everyone who brought in a torch to use.

"I predict the shiny foil will be the most reflective, it will reflect lots of light."

"The bubble wrap will be the least reflective because it is transparent, and the light will go through it."

"The dark materials will reflect the light the least."

"The yellow paper reflected onto the light catcher card and made it look yellow."

"The smooth ones will reflect the light."

"People wear fluorescent colours like work men at night."

Surprisingly, the blue material did reflect some light."


What do you think?   Whay not try out some more materials and different colours at home?


Maths - Beginning multiplication, learning about equal groups

Children in Need - Thank you for all the donations to this fantastic cause. We enjoyed a dance and some colouring in to mark the occasion. Ms Khan even joined in with one of the dance groups!

Dipping into 3 children's classic story books in class. Has this whetted your appetite? Why not borrow these and find out how they end?


Spelling work

More rugby - so proud of the progress that the class are making!

Mapwork skills and knowledge

Second rugby lesson - holding the ball and passing the ball

First rugby lesson with our coach focussed on developing spatial awareness

Developing fine motor control and handwriting

Science - Mirrors

Term 1 - Our projects for this term are 'Take One Picture' followed by 'The Stone Age'.

Recipe for friendship!

Proudly announcing our class reps who were voted in by their class. They all gave fantastic speeches!

Some of the books we have been sharing connected to our projects about rocks, fossils and the Stone Age

Stone Age Art

How did people communicate ideas in the Stone Age?

What ideas did they want to communicate?

What did people use before paints, pencils, pens and sketch books or paper?

What things were important to people living in the Stone Age?


These were some of the ideas we considered prior to beginning our artwork using large paper, charcoal and our hands only to recreate Stone Age art. 

History - Comparing the differences or similarities between modern day life and the Stone Age

The elephant game! Who can be the last elephant standing?

Some of the processes of fossilisation which happen over hundreds and thousands of years......

Science and History - Finding out about the life and discoveries of Mary Anning and recording what we learnt in a mini one-page book!

French conversation skills

Music - Encountering recorders for the first time
