  • Fir Tree Junior School

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Sycamore Year 5

Welcome to Sycamore Class
Our class teacher is Miss Lloyd.

Our TAs are Mrs Stockley and Ms Parker.

In Term 5 our P.E. days will only be Wednesday - Handball and Swimming.




Createc Robotics Visit


Sycamore had a brilliant time learning about robotics and the nuclear industry this term from our exciting visitors at Createc. Dawn and Yens offered a great introduction about what Createc do and why their robots are so important for companies working in the industry. We were able to meet their robot dog ‘Spot’ who demonstrated a range of features and tasks. We witnessed Spot negotiating different obstacles of different heights, picking things up/putting them down, scanning objects and pushing/pulling doors using the arm on the back of ‘Spot’ as well as self-righting itself. Many questions were enthusiastically asked by the children and answered. Lots of the children came away feeling inspired and interested in an area they had not known much about prior to this.

“It was interesting, I didn’t know actual robots like this existed” – Renee

“I think it was really cool, I’d maybe like to do something like that when I’m older” – Zeph

“I can’t believe it could actually do all those things, like opening the door – that was amazing!” – Fynley.

Explorer Dome Visit


Sycamore had a great time exploring the solar system inside the explorer dome. We were treated with incredible projections on the dome's walls demonstrating in depth imagery of planets, stars and nebulae. Our visitors gave detailed explanations and discussions about what we were looking at as well as future research happening soon. In addition to this, we witnessed incredible imagery of the constellations and learnt about the history behind some of them. We were taught how to identify types of constellations and why some are visible at certain points. 



Ancient Mayan Workshop


We had a very exciting day exploring all things Mayan! We've learnt a lot about religion and beliefs, including sacrifice rituals to please the Mayan gods. We used drama to recreate the creation story as well as explore a number of artefacts. We even got to try some Mayan chocolate!



We've explored parts of a plant and the fertilisation process. We had a great time learning about types of seed dispersal using our retrieval skills.



We have explored Mayan glyphs and forms of writing as well as looking at perspective and proportion. 



We have been focusing on using exciting fronted adverbials (sentence starters) to begin our paragraphs which showcase our understanding of the Ancient Maya in our non-chronological reports. We've used retrieval skills to gather information about food/farming, buildings, chocolate, astronomy, fashion/beauty, writing and numbers. Within our work we've also focused on using semi-colons and brackets. In addition to this, we've written our own version of the Mayan creation story using adjectives and metaphors.



During forest school this term we:


  • Investigated fire starting
  • Coloured wooden disc necklaces
  • Toasted chocolate brioches
  • Explored the mud kitchen
  • Made dens
  • Listened to an app called Merlin for identifying birds by song



In gymnastics this term, we took part in the following:


  • Formed and explored routines with synchronisation
  • Used teamwork to collaborate and create routines together.
  • Performed our routines to an audience.
  • Explored jumps and twist jumps with safe landings.
  • How to incorporate a roll and perform safely into a routine.

Safer Internet Day 2024


As part of this year’s safer internet day, year 5 have collaborated to create their own story animation which narrates and illustrates advice given to a character responding to pop-ups online. We created a number of our examples to be included in the story which highlight some of the methods used to get audiences to click on pop-ups. We were also able to offer advice to others for to react safely to pop-ups online.



We have enjoyed learning about volcanoes, earthquakes, climate change and weather patterns this term. Using our understanding of the features of a volcano, types of eruptions, types of volcanoes and the sequence of steps for an eruption, we created our own explanation texts. Our explanations included key steps for a volcanic eruption, sentence features and vocabulary. In addition to this, we also applied our understanding by writing instructional advice for how to stay safe during an earthquake.



In maths this term, we have explored:

  • Multiplying a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number
  • Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-didigt number
  • Multiplying a 3-digit number by a 2-digit number
  • Multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number
  • Short division
  • Division word problems and using efficient division
  • Multiplying a unit and non-unit fraction
  • Finding fractions of an amount
  • Exploring decimals
  • Exploring equivalent fractions to decimals (tenths)
  • Exploring equivalent fractions to decimals (hundredths)
  • Thousandths as decimals and fractions
  • Comparing and ordering decimals
  • Rounding to the nearest whole and tenths.
  • Understand percentages as fractions, decimals and equivalent fractions.




In French this term, we have used our retrieval and speech skills to understand/record key vocabulary for:

  • Types of weather
  • Countries in Europe
  • Household furniture
  • Places/shops around town
  • Family members

DT/History/Maths/Reading - Brunel Bridge Building (Take One Designer)


Sycamore had great fun applying their learning within their Take One Designer project. We started by exploring the life Of Sir Isambard Kingdom Brunel who was a Victorian engineer. We applied our retrieval skills to research facts about him to build our background understanding of why he was such an important figure. After this, we investigated a range of bridge structures (Arch, beam and truss) which we then applied to experimenting with card to create our own. We tested these out to see which would be most effective and how we could alter them. Following on from this, we designed and planned how to build our own bridge structures by considering different building materials. We later applied these plans by building our own bridges in teams with a budget to spend on materials. In our teams, we had to consider which materials to choose as stronger more effective materials were more expensive than weaker ones. Prices also changed due to sell and demand (which we found shocking!) so this impacted how we spent our budget. Our bridge had to try to score high points from out VIP judges on appearance, strength, length and money remaining. We had great fun testing them out.



Victorian Day


Sycamore enjoyed taking part in their Victorian day at school. The day began with a bit of ‘housekeeping’ by checking hands, finger nails and general scruffiness. We talked through the class room rules and learning etiquette of the day. We were given our own Victorian name and role to take on for the day which some seemed to really get into.

Our first lesson focused on arithmetic whereby we put our column addition and subtraction skills to good use. We were a little surprised to discover some of the sizes of the Victorian column addition questions by having to add at least 7 lines of numbers! 

This was followed by handwriting practise. We practised first using chalk, practising our letter formation. Then, we used handwriting stencils to follow in pencil till we were eventually deemed ‘worthy’ of using pen on paper. Luckily, everyone passed this class!! 

After break, we practised Victorian drills which helped increase our circulation and boosted our immune systems. We didn’t find these ridiculous at all!! Following this, we explored the British empire in Geography whilst discussing where some products were imported and exported to/from. We put our map skills to the test by applying our understanding to our own world map. 

After lunch, we explored the origins and meaning behind Christmas cards (which were invented during Victorian times) then, we used our art and design skills to create our own Victorian Christmas cards. Alongside this, we enjoyed learning about Victorian washing by looking at a number of artefacts and having a go scrubbing clothes clean. 



As part of our Victorian art this term, we have researched William Morris and his fabulous wallpaper designs. Linking on from these ideas and exploring different colour palettes, we have looked at marbling to link with our Victorian theme. Here we have created the marbling designs for our concertina books which we intend to sell at the Christmas Craft Fayre.



Following on from our flip books and experimenting with stop frame animation using clay. We started planning our own stop frame animations which illustrate a moving scene using paper. To create our scenes we considered which parts would move after each frame, which colours and materials we would use to make our work stand out, whilst thinking about the flow of the animation.

Stop Frame Animations

Still image for this video

Stop Frame Animations

Still image for this video

Stop Frame Animations

Still image for this video

Black Country Museum Trip


Year 5 had a fantastic visit to the Black Country Museum! During our visit we were able to visit many shops and work places common during the period. Some of these included: 

  • Hardware stores
  • Sweet Shops
  • Cake Shops
  • Cinemas
  • Trap Shop
  • Homewares shop
  • Steel Works
  • Chain Maker

As well as many others. We also visited different re-created homes of children/families that existed during this time and asked many questions to the actors who were able to offer their expert knowledge on these families and their history. Part of our learning included being part of a Victorian School experience. This involved learning about 'The Three Rs'. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. This involved lots of chanting and repeating as well as hearing about punishments Victorian children had received for mis-behaving at school! Other highlights included visiting a Victorian barge boat and peering inside at the living areas, Watching metal chains being heated up and moulded into boat chains, watching a Victorian comedy mini film in the Victorian cinema, visiting the sweet shop, meeting the horse and having lunch in the gardens. Our visit really gave us a hands on experience of what life was life for the Victorians and how it compared to ours now.

Victorian School Experience - receiving punishment! (ACTING!!!)

Still image for this video



This term, we are focusing on stop frame animation. We began by exploring 'Stop Motion Studio' which enabled us to take frame by frame photos of our models changing after each shot. When we built up enough frames we were able to make our models 'move' across the screen. This has helped us build our understanding of stop motion in preparation to story board and film our own detailed paper version stop frame animations.

Stop Frame Animation

Still image for this video

Stop Frame Animation

Still image for this video

Art & Design


In preparation for the rest of computing this term, we have begun by exploring 19th Century animation in the form of flip books. We gave our flip books Halloween themes and focused on progressing our images with slight changes. This will help us later when experimenting with clay.

Victorian Toy Flip Book

Still image for this video

Victorian Toy Flip Book

Still image for this video



Sycamore had great fun making ‘Tudor Lover’s Knots’ this term. We put into practise good hygiene routines when cooking and followed step by step instructions. First, we began with beating together eggs, flour, sugar and cinnamon until it became a dough. We then kneaded this so we could shape it eventually into our own style of knot. Once baked, we decorated the tops with honey and enjoyed them. We were in agreement the honey and warmth of the bread was tasty! 



We have started our computing this year by investigating sound through block coding. We programmed Scratch to make our own theme tune to Hamlet. In order to do this, we mind-mapped a range of adjectives and key vocabulary to generate imagery of Hamlet on top of the castle in the cold, wind with the ghost of his father. We used these ideas to choose sound effects and used our understanding of block coding and loops to join these ideas together. Some of us also added backgrounds, speech bubbles and moving characters to our scenes.


In addition, we used the laptops to research and record our ideas/understanding of Denmark (where Hamlet is set) to create our own quiz. We learnt to underline, change font, change colour, change size, position text, add bullet points and include pictures. 

Making theme tunes for a scene in Hamlet

Still image for this video
Block based coding applying sound in loops.

More block based coding in loops

Still image for this video



Our project this term has been to explore William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'. Our two main outcomes were to create a discussion and a newspaper report. In our discussion, we debated whether to avenge the death of Hamlet's father by seeking revenge on Claudius. We used a range of language in our pieces including different types of conjunctions, both for and against points of views and used words for effect. In our newspaper reports, we reported on the death of Polonius and explored a range of characters and their points of view on the events leading up to the scene. We used direct and indirect speech to record these character's perspectives.



To aid our understanding of the background of Hamlet and where the play is set, we used our map skills to explore the countries and seas surrounding Denmark. We identified borders, key cities, and compared where these were in relation to the UK.


To further add to our knowledge around Hamlet, we used our research skills to explore the life of William Shakespeare.



In maths this term, we have:


  • Explored Roman numerals to 1,000.
  • Used place value charts to find numbers to 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 including more than and less than.
  • Compared and ordered numbers to 1,000,000.
  • Rounded to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.
  • Rounded within 1,000,000.
  • Used mental strategies to ad and subtract.
  • Added and subtracted whole numbers with more than 4-digits.
  • Found the inverse.
  • Used multi-step problems to find the answer.
  • Compared calculations.
  • Found multiple and common multiples.
  • Found factors and common factors.
  • Identified Prime, Square and cubed numbers.



In science this term, we have explored the following:


  • Recapped our knowledge of forces of push/pull.
  • Investigated air resistance by carrying out experiments and recording data.
  • Investigated gravity and the life of Sir Isaac Newton.
  • Explored the use of Newton metres and kilograms for measuring.
  • Explored buoyancy and water resistance.
  • Investigated friction and it's impact on moving objects.

Forest School


On our first trip to the forest we reminded ourselves of the 3 forest rules which are to:


  • Look after yourself.
  • Look after the forest.
  • Look after each other.


We also took part in:


  • Den building
  • Using the mud kitchen.
  • Fire starting.
  • Insect hotel.
  • Team work (negotiations and listening skills.)
  • Commando game.



In their trip to the garden this term Sycamore had fun digging up weeds and allowing the ground to be ready for planting new crops.

P.E. (Netball)


In netball this term, we have explored a range of skills including:


  • Practised/recapped passes learnt in previous lessons.
  • Chose different passes in appropriate scenarios.
  • used a variety of passes in a game.
  • Attempted to find space in a game.
  • Communicated with team mates when moving into space.
  • Found space to receive the ball.
  • Used different dodging techniques.
  • Applied a range of speeds to movement skills to get free from a defender.
  • Used pivoting in a game to make successful passes.
  • Recapped shooting technique.
  • Applied strategies to get into better shooting positions.
  • Used quick thinking and agility to react to what is happening around us.
  • Played in high-five netball games implementing some rules.

Art and Design


This term, we have used our observational and design skills to draw imagery of the 'Tudor Rose' which helped us to design and plan our own clay Tudor Rose model. When shaping our models we had to think about mark-making and adding features to our designs to show the inticacies of the patterns. We also had to think about shaping the clay to make layers of petals to symbolise the red and white of Yorkshire and Lancashire.



In French we have recapped our knowledge of colours. In addition, we also identified types of places to live, rooms inside a house and key items of furniture we might find in them. To consolidate this knowledge we then applied it to a range of tasks.

Take One Picture


Sycamore have had a fantastic start to term 1 and thoroughly enjoyed beginning their year 5 journey by looking at our Take One Picture project. We have used our retrieval skills to explore the life of Henri Rousseau and his ‘Surprised (Tiger in a Tropical Storm)’ artwork. We have been inspired by the use of colour and shape Rousseau applies to capture exciting vegetation in his jungle scene. As a result, we used oil pastel mark-making techniques to create our own jungle leaves. We have used our research skills to find out about tigers and applied our writing skills to create a non-chronological report about tigers.



We have started our music unit this term which uses the African drums. We have been super excited to get started and have already experimented with rhythm, pulse, beats and tone. Our first lesson involved focusing on how to use our hand correctly when making sounds as well as copying beats and rhythms in groups to combine with others.

P.E. (Netball)


This term we have started part of our P.E. lessons off with netball! So far, we have explored a range of skills by revisiting how we already pass (including bounce pass, chest pass and shoulder pass). We have also:


  • Chosen appropriate passes in different scenarios.
  • Used a variety of passes in games.
  • Attempted to find space.
  • Communicated with teams when moving into space.
  • Find space and receive the ball.
  • Use different dodging techniques, both opposed and in isolation. 
  • Apply a range of speeds to movement skills to get free from a defender.
  • Use dodging effectively to get away from opponents.

Chance to Shine Cricket Workshop


We took part in an exciting cricket taster workshop today! During our session, the coach took us through a range of skills. First we focused on our coordination skills with catching and challenged ourselves to a sequence of catching challenges. After this, we applied our catching and throwing to a team game which included aiming at our wicket. Following this, we took this challenge to the next step by applying our batting skills to protect the wicket as well as thinking about space and fielding.

If the event of self-isolating or further lockdown

In the event of your child needing to self isolate, please use the homework links above that your child can access for a range of subjects. In the event of our class bubble isolating or a school closure lockdown, we will be using Teams online. Your child will need their username and password to access Teams

Reading Information and Book Ideas

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